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'Je t'aime en feu, je t'aime en or
Je t'aime soucieux, je t'aime trop fort
Je t'aime pour deux je t'aime à tort.
C'est périlleux, je t'aime encore'

 C'est périlleux, je t'aime encore'

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Laura's voice ringed in the empty corridor. It was dry, making the lack of speaking from Laura obvious.

Jude, his eyes fixed on the girl, swallowed his saliva as best he could. His throat was dry from shock or from how, even after the obvious tears, his beloved could still be so resplendent.

'Hi.' He gulped.

'Is that Laura's voice ?' His mom's voice resonated, still on speaker. 'It's Laura. I just know it's her. I told you she'd come around. You should always listen to me, your mom is always right-'

'Yes mom, I'll call you back.' Jude said cutting his mother short.

The teenage boy shut the call up and slide his phone in his tracksuit's pocket. His entire attention was placed in the woman standing before him now, even though it was as soon as he had recognized her eyes ten seconds ago.

'Did you forget something ?' Jude asked, no understanding why else would she even come back after what had happened between the two of them.

'Yes- uh, no actually.' Laura said, blinking continuously, trying to not ramble or stumble on her words. 'Can I come in ?'

Jude would have loved to say no, that right now he just wanted to be left alone with his thoughts, but he could never say no to her, even more when she had those pleading eyes that made her so dangerous to him.

The boy nodded and moved so that she could enter his apartment. He closed the front door behind her before turning and meeting her gaze again.

She looked around, as if she were entering the loft for the first time, or looking for something to hang her eyes on like a castaway on his raft.

But she found nothing, and was soon forced to rest her eyes in those of the young footballer.

She looked lost, disoriented even, as if she'd listened to her impulses and now that she was here, regret-filled reality was catching up with her.

'I came to apologize.' Her words echoed in the empty space.

'Yeah you already did that.'

'No I mean for leaving you after you-' She stopped. 'You know.' She frowned, not sure if he'd get what she wanted to say.

'It's whatever.' Jude shrugged, trying to appear as if he hadn't cried for a good ten minutes when she had left.

'No it's not.' She said and his heart started beating a bit faster while his brain filled with slight hope. 'I heard you.' She breathed out and closed her eyes, frowning. 'I just- I need to know more.' She continued, opening her eyes again.

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