Part 3

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Jesus fucking Christ...

School was a thing you hated, just like everyone else. But after skipping half the day and getting home to an empty house, you hated it even more. All the school work but no motivation. Just makes you want to forget it all, so you do. It may be noon, the sun can be out, but you still open the liquor cabinet and grab the handle to a Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey and pour yourself a short glass of whiskey. The first sip always sucks yet the second sip soothes the rest to come. 

Some would say that you had a problem, and at the age of 17 you did. Probably more than just one problem. But all those problems connect into the biggest problem, according to society, and led you to drink. 17 and an alcoholic, not much of a surprise since your older brother gives you the alcohol and your parents aren't there to supervise you. Mom's out on constant business trips and Dad is out god knows where at a casino, wasting away his life. Your mom does come back sometimes, as this is her home, but she leaves a day after. Her job is demanding and she does what she must for the amount of money she gets. Her love for you is endless, just not her time for you.

Staring into nothing, you stand leaned over the counter sipping on bitter taste of whiskey zoned out. Eventually, bored, you down the rest of the whiskey in your cup and pour another glass. The glass almost over flows by the point you zone back in and recap the Whiskey. Grabbing the glass and your phone, you lazily go sit down in the big recliner that your Dad loved. He spent hours at a time watching TV in this chair. It's the chair he watched all your now favorite movies with you. The chair he passed out in drunk, every night. It's not bad to reenact old memories sometimes.

Sitting snuggled up into the corner of the chair, you scroll through your phone. Ignoring everyone right now. Glancing at the time you realize that it's an hour before school ends, by the time it does, you'll get an annoyed phone call from your mom. Ignoring the dread of that as well, you open tiktok. The scrolling of meaningless videos continues for a while, randomly liking videos, saving the ones that hit a bit too close to home, and pausing on the ones with good music or a life altering message. That message only hits you for a second before you scroll unto the next random video.

The random slam of your front door goes unnoticed, as well as the calls of your name. The running up stairs and back down also fall on deaf ears. Too focused on the random dancing cat on your screen and the intoxication you feel making you laugh. The sharp call of your name and the hands shaking your shoulders is the thing that snaps you back. "Oh hey Craig, want a sip?"

"What the fuck, no," he snaps as he grabs the glass from your hand and setting it down on the end table. "You were drunk last night and you're drunk again tonight," he sighs, "how many times do I have to tell you to fucking stop dude?"

You giggle at his exasperated look, "This is fucking funny to you? Waking up still drunk from the night before? Blacking out and forgetting what happened? Poisoning your body more and more every-time?"

"It's pretty fun to me," you laugh out.

"It's not for me," he looks over at you, "I'm so sick of it dude."

The look on his face takes the laughter from you. The normally monotoned Craig that didn't care for anyone, was staring at you with such pain in his eyes. "What do I have to do for you to take me seriously?"

"I don't know man, just give up on me," you mumble.

"Okay, fuck it," he says as he hands you back your glass, "Go fucking crazy, see if I care." With that, he leaves. 

Once he left, you just stared at the glass. Guilt flooded your body. You finally pushed away the one you called your best friend. Standing up, you walked over to the bottle of whiskey before uncapping it and chugging the bottle.

The feeling of the liquor burns your throat but makes you feel alive. The feeling you craved ran throughout your body as you felt more numb. 

By ten minutes, you were giggling at your phone as you scroll through apps.

By twenty minutes, you were laying on the floor staring at the ceiling fan. Laughing for no apparent reason.

By thirty minutes, you were sending Kenny randoms edits of people you found hot. Leaving comments like 'I want him to rail me,''creaming,''his arms-,' and 'he can run me over and I'd thank him.'

By forty minutes, you ran into the bathroom as you puked out everything from the day. Phone left on the counter.

By fifty minutes, you were barely awake as you hear the slight rumbling of your phone on the counter.

By sixty minutes, you were out.

"Yeah Craig, I'm opening her front door right now. Why am I here and not you? Really? Your 'done' with her? Clearly you aren't, if you were I wouldn't be here. She isn't anywhere, I'm not snooping around," he argued, "Fine I'll check the bathroom." With that, he opened the bathroom door before dropping his phone and picking up your limp body.

"Y/n? Can you hear me?" he panicked out. You mumbled before slightly pushing him away. After checking your head for any injuries and checked the room for anything obvious, he picked his phone back up, "Dude? She was passed out in her bathroom, what's wrong with her? Drunk? She was just drunk last night what the fuck."

"Fuck off," you groan as you mustered up enough strength to push yourself from the guys arms. He quickly dropped his phone and picked up your limp body despite your struggle. He picked you up briefly and dropped you in the bathtub you were laying next to a moment ago. "Huh?"

Before you knew it, you had cold water sprayed all over you. 

"What the fuck?!" you panicked as you blocked the water from your face. Quickly coming to the realization that the shower had been turned on. You fumbled to turned off the shower before you looked at the person who just caused you to get drenched in cold water. "What the hell Kyle?!"

"You needed to be sobered up, now give me your hand," he demands.

"Hell no, you walk into my house for no reason and then spray cold water on me," you refused, "I was having a good ass time too."

He sighs before forcefully grabbing your hand and pulling your body to stand outside the tub. After he made sure you were safely out of the tub, he dragged you to the kitchen, "Drink this water and eat this bread."

You crossed your arms and looked away, "Why are you even here?"

"I will force the water down your fucking throat. Drink," he glared. You groaned before chugging the water and eating a slice of bread.

"Answer my question."

"Cause people care, you're going to kill yourself," he said as he tried to make eye contact with you.

You let out a laugh, "Just let me, I'll be going out the fun way." He had no reply and he just stared at you. Disappointed, just like Craig. "Why'd Craig send you here?"

"He trust me more than your other friends," he says, "Speaking of trust, I don't trust you. Especially alone. Get a bag of stuff to bring to mine, my moms chill with it."

"Why would I stay at yours?"

"Because you're dumb by yourself."

After going back and forth for a bit, Kyle helped you get upstairs to pack a little bag. A just watched as you stumbled around. Eventually you were finish and he drove you to his house. 

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now