Part 4

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It was around five in the afternoon when you got to Kyle's house. His mom at work and his dad on a video conference in his office. With Kyle's help he directed you to his room to set down your things, which consisted of a change of clothes for tomorrow since you changed before you left your house and a phone charger. Intimidatingly upon entire his room, you flopped onto his bed with a groan. "Hey no get up, you get the couch," Kyle protested.

"That's not gentlemen like," you mumble as he light pulls your arm before giving up.


With that he walked over to his desk and pulled off his same green hat he's had for years. Well not the exact same, just same style and brand bought threw years. He scratched his head and further messed up his red curls. A smile grew on your face as you grabbed a pillow to snuggle into. He took off his coat and put it around his chair before taking a seat at his desk. Smiling softly and sleepily, you watched his every move contently, till your eyes widened.

"I need to puke, where?" you said jumping up and cover your mouth in your shirt. Panicking, he point you to the bathroom which you ran to. He followed behind right after you. As you sat in front of the toilet and emptied your older food empty stomach out, he gently brushed the hair from your face and gathered it in the ponytail to avoid you puking on it.

After several minutes of puke, dry heaving, and crying through the pain, it was finally over and he helped wash you up. Puke got over your shirt so he brought you the bag you packed and left you to fully clean up in the bathroom.

When you got back in his room, you gave him a defeated smile, "Sorry dude, still taking the bed though."

"Alright just shush, I have AP US history to do," he mumbled before spinning back to his computer, you gave him a salute and fell into his bed.

You slipped comfortably under the covers and laid your head on one pillow and gathered the other in your arms as you resumed watching just like before. He eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he rubbed his chin, his focus face. He did it any time he needed to focus, whether in video games or a debate. Sometimes if he was extra confused he would lick his lips and reanalyzes all over again.

"Hey get up, my mom made dinner," a gentle hand shook you awake. You only mumbled a reply as you forced yourself up from your nap, that you didn't even realize you took, and followed him downstairs, not before seeing the clock read seven at night.

"Y/n, honey, how are you? I made some food, dish up," Mrs. Broflovski smiled. You nodded before sitting in the chair next to Kyle and grabbing the plate he passed you.

"Sorry for being here, I know it was unexpected. I hope it's not that big of an inconvenience," you bowed your head in shame.

"No worries honey, I always love company, especially friends of Kyle's," she announced as she began to eat, "Now Kyle, when was the last time you brought a girl over? It's been ages."

"Mom," he groaned as you stifled a laugh. That got you a kick in the shin as well as a glare.

"Kyle could never pull her," Ike laughed loudly.

"Shut it Ike, you don't even know what that means."

"Yeah I do!"

"You're ten, no you don't."


"I'm not in this."

You smiled at the family dynamic. It's been a while since you had a home cooked meal at the diner table. As the boys bickered Mrs. Broflovski turned towards you, " Honey do you mind me asking about what happened? Kyle told me you weren't feeling well and you were home alone. Everything alright?"

You smiled, knowing Kyle didn't snitch, "Just ate some really bad food, probably the sushi I had the other night."

"Oh dear! Didn't Kyle have some of that sushi?" you titled your head confused, "I was going to put him on the couch but I can't have him passing his sickness over."

'Sickness? Food poisoning can't be passed on the hell?'

"Ah! You'll just share his room, I'll get him blankets for the floor dear don't worry," she pondered aloud before turning to you. Kyle looked over confused before his mom started to rush out an explanation of her dilemma. Kyle tried arguing but after about twenty minutes of cleaning up, you sat on Kyle's bed as you watched him lay down blankets.

"Your mom always like this?"

He threw his last pillow down before looking at you with an exhausted face.

"Well it's eight and I'm not tired want to watch a show?" you smiled out.

"Yeah, you good with some reruns of Terrence and Philip?" he offered.

You nodded, "Join me up here, you'll have a horrible view from the floor," you scooted over and patted the now open spot. He looked at you for a moment before shrugging and grabbing a pillow from the floor, which he used to prop his head up. You picked at your nails as you waiting for him to settle in, once he did, he grabbed the remote from his bedside table and launched Terrence and Philip.

As the show played and and colors blurred across the room and noise echoed around the room, your attention drifted from the TV and onto his face. With the only light source being his TV, you watched colors illuminate across his face. Your eyes traced the side of his face. Eyes falling on his hooked nose, his green eyes with hints of brown, and his barely freckled skin. The pillow on your lap was squeezed by your arms as you tried to settle the butterflies in your stomach. You always found Kyle attractive, it was one of the boys you always raved to Kenny about. Whether in a horny way, or the way you felt right now, which was you just wanting to squeal at his attractiveness. Your eyes felt his face and trailed down his figure. His crossed arms shows the muscle he has been slowly building since freshman year, a thing you often commented on to Kenny.

Your trance on his arms was broken once he let out a small laugh and pointed at the TV before looking at you, "You see that?" You smiled and shook your head no, "Dude broke through the bank vault after he made a guy's head explode from a fart!"

You sighed in disgusted, "You're like still 12 years old dude, be mature."

"You literally laughed a kid falling earlier."

"Did not! Even if I did, that doesn't make me immature."

"It was my brother falling down the stairs, you didn't even offer him help."

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now