Part 24

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After hearing your friends tease you for a relationship you didn't truly have, you drowned the embarrassment away. With several shots of vodak, six to be exact. It's been a while, almost 2 months but not quite, since you've drank straight liquor. Normally mixing it, or just drinking beer and maintaining a buzz rather than being drunk. Yet after a dare from Kenny to have a drink off with Stan, you were back in.

Your tolerance went down since you last drank, and Stan drank you under the table easily. Him laughing when you stood up after a shot and stumbled to grab your phone that was on Kyle's lap. Stan just being in a more airy mood than before while you were completely loose. After tripping and falling face first into the couch Stan and Wendy used to be in, everyone decided to call it a night. At least for you and Kenny. Kenny passed out in a bean bag chair and done for the night already.

"Come on, get up," Kyle said as he rubbed his hand up and down your arm. Coaxing you to get up. You turned your face towards him and lightly blinked at him.

No words left your mouth, and you just stared at him while a goofy smile graced your face.

"At least sit up? Your neck will hurt tomorrow if you stay like that," Kyle spoke.

You hummed before pushing yourself up enough just to flip around and lay on your back. In the process, tangling your limbs together to the point Kyle had to help you sort yourself out.

"I can take her home?" Craig's voice sounded from behind the couch. You opened your eyes again to look in his direction. Smiling at him, then at Tweek. After seeing Tweek, you weakly put your arm up and in his direction. He smiled nervously as your hand hit his lightly. After seeing the pout on your face, he took your hand in his, letting you sway his hand with a smile on your face.

"No need, my mom knows I'm out tonight, so I'll do it. Someone should stay with her anyway," Kyle responded to Craig. He crouched down into the corner of your vision and poked your cheek for your attention. "You good if I stay at yours tonight?" You smiled wide and nodded.

"No funny business," Craig sterned out.

"Your-" you snorted out laughing before pointing at Craig with your free hand, "You're not my dad!" Resaying the old meme with drunken laughter.

Kyle just stared at you before gently grabbing both of your hands, Tweek letting go of your hand as well. "We should get going." With that, Kyle pulled you up by your arms. Once he got you into a seating position, he grabbed your legs and swung them off the couch. Making sure you had your footing being hauling you up to stand. "Could you open the door?" Kyle asked Craig as he made your way through and out the garage.

Getting you to stand up was a hassle in itself, but getting you in his car was. another. Craig left after opening the garage door for your guys, only after he made sure Kyle had a handle on you. So now Kyle was trying to get you in his car. You were facing each other, your neck leaning on the frame at the top of the car while you had your arms wrapped around him. The car door already opened for you.

"Will you get in, please?" Kyle asked, tired on you lolling your head on the top of the car. You shook your head, letting the liquor make you weightless. "If you keep putting your head on the car, you'll get bird poop in your hair," he pointed out.

You gasped and shot your head straight up. Bonking your head against his nose. He groaned before pushing you in the car finally.

With you seated and buckled, he shut the door and got in the driver's seat.

After a couple of turns towards your house, you broke the conversational silence. The music he picked was still lightly playing throughout his car. "So you think I'm hot?" You smiled as you lulled your head to look at him.

He glanced at you, "And you think I'm hot?"

You chuckled to yourself, "Maybe," you whispered. "You're just so," you lifted your hands into the air frantically, "ugh."

He laughed, "Is that so? What's so 'ugh' about me?"

"Well, you're just hot," you stated blankly, turning to look at him with a serious expression, "I mean, look at your jaw, your eyes, your nose! Oh! And your arms, you've toned up quite a bit," you said after poking his arm several times.

"Mhm?" He teased, mainly focused on the road.

"What about me?" You asked, still twisted to look at him.

"What about you?" He hummed.

"How am I hot?"

He choked, "I don't think we should talk about this."

"But you talked about it with Stan," you pouted, finally sitting correctly in your seat.

He glanced at you quickly before looking away, "Well yeah, that's Stan. My best friend." You huffed in reply, crossing your arms and looking out the side window. "Fine. Your looks are hot, sure. But it's your personality that had me talking to Stan. It's a double kill, really," he answered but also pushed past actually answering.

A smile went back on your face, and you stayed silent for the rest of the car ride.

Once at your house, he lugged you out of your car and all the way to your bed. You weren't fighting it at all, safe in his arms.

After setting you on your bed, he went and got you water so you could attempt to sober up.

"Awh! You care!" You cooed at him.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, don't want you miserable."

"Such a good fake boyfriend," you sighed, laying back after taking a sip of water.

He hummed, "I'm more so being a friend, you're fucked up right now."

"We besties?" You smiled up at him. Him having taken a seat at the edge of your bed.


"Good because I'm soo fucked up right now."

Authors note:
Who should Craig and Tweek be in the mario universe for Halloween?
Also, are we okay with the pace of the story? I don't want it to be unnatural, but we are 30+k into the story. I'm not going to change it up too much, I just need to know if you guys care about the little things in the story.

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