Part 27

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"Are you sure you're good, Kyle?" You asked.

He sat at the edge of the bed with you standing in front of him. The first thing he did when he got home was storm up to his room without saying anything. You followed him immediately after talking with Sheila for a moment. Her asking questions about why you're back early, what's wrong with her baby, and what you guys got from the store. When you got back, you found him with his elbows on his knees and his palms buried into his eyes.

"Yeah, just," he sighed, sitting up straight and looking at you for a moment before looking back down at his lap, "Cartman pisses me off sometimes."

You let out a soft laugh, stepping closer to him in order to rest your hand on his shoulder, "Cartman does tend to do that. I thought you'd be used to it by now."

"I thought so, too. I also thought he'd leave me alone once me and you," he pointed between you two, "ya know?"

You tilted your head, "Cartman? Leaving you alone? Come on, even you can't believe that."

"I was just hopeful," he sighed. "Thought he wouldn't try to scare you away, but now he just says you'll leave me anyways."

The way he worded it blurred the lines of fake dating. Insecurity laced throughout his tone.

"I wouldn't just leave you, Kyle," you attempt to comfort. Moving your hand from his shoulder to rub at the base of his neck, something he always did when nervous anyway.

He relaxed into your hold. "Does Craig still bug you with this type of thing?" He asked, moving past the tension the previous conversation brought.

"Truthfully, I haven't hung out with him much since you and I started dating. Conflicting schedules," you state.

He hummed in response, "Do you think he will?"

You snorted, "It's Craig. Of course he will. He's going to question everything. Literally everything." He smiled at your tone and laughter. "Speaking of Craig, I'm hanging with him tonight, and we need to get our story straight."

"Then what's our story?" He questioned,  moving his hands from the place he set them on his knees to rest them on your hips, bringing you just the smallest bit closer.

"Do you want me to just wing it and tell you everything after?" You suggest, leaning into his touch.

"Well, I'd prefer to be brought in a little into the story of our relationship," he squeezed your hip.

"Fine," you sighed dramatically, "we fell hopelessly in love after you started taking care of my drunk ass."

"Sounds likely," he agreed.

You lightly push his shoulder, "You calling me a drunk?"


You scoff playfully and try to push out of his hold.

"It that what you're going to say?" He asked after stopping your squirming.

You nod, "Basically, I'll add in some sweet moments. Especially I'll add in that your head over heels."

"Shouldn't you be the one that fell for me? You do call me hot to your friends," he teased.

"You do the same," you pointed out, ignoring the blush that covered your face, "besides, Craig would be less open to us if I said I fell for you."

He hummed and nodded in agreement. The comfortable silence that fell over you made you realize how close you've gotten. Before you could pull away, he hugged you closer. "Thanks for listening to me bitch about Cartman ealier."

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now