Part 40

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It was the weekly hangout. Which meant that the garage had six drinking teens in it. Some are drinking heavier than others. The some being Stan, Kenny, and you. Kyle and Wendy were only sipping on a beer or seltzer, and Cartman wasn't a big drinker.

The Halloween party was only a week or so ago. Today was a rare Friday where the group all had the day off from work or clubs, which soon would be rare.

With Kyle starting basketball season soon, he'd be incredibly busy, being the captain and all. You honestly weren't prepared for that. Being his 'girlfriend', you'd have to show up to every single game, sometimes practice, and be supportive. To be fair, you'd show up even if you weren't 'dating', but now you were required.

On top of that, Kenny got promoted to a manager position, so he'd be at work more often. Wendy was going to start preparing for finals. Then Stan was starting to go guitar lessons.

The group would be busy for a bit with everything going on. Which meant that it'd be a while before all of you could drink again like this. You could always hang out but couldn't always drink. Stan and you would stay relatively the same, though. You'd still hang out often and get drunk. It's just different with the whole group.

Times like these were always held close to your heart. Stan and Wendy shared a beanbag that sat off to the side. Kenny on a bean bag that sat in front of the middle of the couch. The one that Kyle and you were taking up the majority of, minus the space at the end that Cartman was occupying. You lay side by side with Kyle, both of your legs covering the middle of the couch. Kyle laid behind you as both of you faced the TV that currently showcases Kenny and you fighting it out on Super Smash Bros. 

"You're so fucked Kenny," you laughed as you killed his character for the second time. Once more and you'd be the winner of the match. He hasn't killed you once, which was greatly upsetting him.

"Just make out with Kyle, and let me win," Kenny whined.

You bumped him with your knee, "Shuddup."

With one final hit, you killed him and won the match.

Cheering and putting your arms up in victory, "Take that bitch."

You've won the matches for the entire night, going through everyone willing to pay. Kenny was now in second. The rest of the night would just be random games of competitive Mario cart. Kenny was full-on pouting by the time you handed off the controller to the next person who wanted to play.

You ruffled Kenny's hair before turning your body around to face Kyle. "I won."

"Atta girl," he smiled.

His words made you shoot him a look. "I'm not surprised. Everyone sucks," you brushed off his words.

"Hey!" Kenny yelped from behind you, smacking your calf in his defense.

"Yeah, hey!" Kyle joined in, "You played against me too."

"Yeah, and I didn't see you in the finals, now did I?" You teased.

"Oh fuck you," Kyle laughed.

You raised your brow at him.

His face shot red, "Not like that."

"Awh," you pouted as a joke.

He just pushed you slightly, making you laugh and fall into him more.

Now that the two of you have kissed, you guys are acting like a couple more than ever. Closer to each other all the time, and way more handsy.  No one has commented on the change, and you were hoping it'd stay that way, but knowing your group, it wouldn't.

Kyle had on arm over your waist, pulling you into him, and the other propping his head up on the sofa. Whispering sweet nothings and jokes all while looking at each others lips constantly. Wanting to kiss but not wanting to have an audience. The two of you haven't had a moment to yourselves since you were at his house last time, which unfortunately means a week without kissing or any discussion of it.

"You guys know you're eye fucking each other, right?"

Kyle and you pulled back from each other, you turning to stare at Kenny who was laughing at his own comment.

"It's gross," Cartman commented from his end of the couch.

"We didn't ask you guys to watch, now did we?" Kyle defends.

"Hard not to, giving quite a show," Kenny snickered.

You shoved your foot into Kenny's back, "Shut it."

"What's changed between you guys?" Stan comments.

Kyle and you make quick eyecontact before you look at Stan, feigning confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Did you guys fuck or something? You guys are a lot closer now," Stan points out his observation.

"Dude," Kyle cringes at his crude comment.

"None of your guys' business," you blushed.

Wendy then decided to join in, "Even if you guys haven't done it, something changed, and it's obvious."

You looked back at Kyle, trying to see what he wanted from this conversation, just to see he was doing the same to you.

"He probably got to see her tits so now he's whipped," Kenny laughed out. With one shared glance, you realized he was saving you. He knew the two of kissed, and that was the shearling point of your off behavior. He also knew that the two of you didn't want it shared.

"Sounds like Kyle," Stan laughs and takes a sip of his drink, forgetting the questions he had.

You gave Kenny a thankful smile before turning to Kyle. "Should we do something different?" You whisper go him, making sure no one heard.

"Nah, they can think what they want, remember?" He replied quietly, placing his arm back around your waist.

"You're fine with them being suspicious?" You questioned.

Kyle just nods, pushing the conversation behind him and paying attention to the TV screen once again. Rubbing soft circles on your back.

Authors note:
The transition~~~
People noticing~~~
Things be changing!!

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