Part 19

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"I just don't know," you sobbed. You curled your body in on itself. Legs that once hung off the side of the bed were now wrapped in your arms as you shook. No tears managed to fall before Kyle stood up from his chair. He didn't seem to plan his next move after standing, so he just stood in front of you. You saw his blurry shoes in front of you.

"Hey," he said calmly, his hand awkwardly going to rest on your shoulder after stuttering in the air for a moment, "I know you're not alright right now, but you will be."

"Will I?" You looked up to meet his eye. It was clear he was uncomfortable. That just made you feel worse, "I'm an acholic at 17, Kyle. My friends don't know how to be around me, and I just -" you hiccupped, "I don't know," you whispered.

You buried your face in your knees, shaking your head because of the fact you're breaking down.

"I'm sorry," you laughed to try and hide every shake in your voice.

He finally pulled you slightly into his embrace. One arms wrapped awkwardly around you, and the other rested on your hair to pull you into his chest. "Don't apologize," he hummed, "I'm here if you need me."

The silence you gave as a reply made him feel the need to talk more. Distract you, maybe.

"If I haven't made that obvious," he lightly chuckled, "I was there for you both times you were drunk, and I knew about it."

In his arms, you were slightly stiffened. You didn't want to be reminded of how you failed people.

"That's not all I see you as, by the way," he let out. He sensed your discomfort and smoothed out your hair, "I think you're so much more than a drunk, and I hardly know you."

You let out a slight chuckle at that.

"You're smart in your subjects, at least."

"I corrected you in Physics, which is literally 'your subject,' " you pointed out.

"True, but I'll kick your ass in history any day."

"I'll let you win that one," you breathed out, releasing the tension in your body. Letting your legs fall off the bed and wrapping your arms limply around him.

"I like that you're competitive," he said, "I like that we are similar even more. Makes me hate those traits of myself less."

You looked up at him, letting his hand fall from the top of your head and onto your shoulder.

The look you gave him urged him to continue, "I mean, like how you're competitive, as I said. I hate that trait in myself sometimes because I wish I let things go. But when I see you push for things and how you get cocky, I don't know, it makes me feel better and less horrible."

He looked down at you briefly, clearly shy with being vulnerable. You pulled him into a tight hug, feeling like he needed it as much as you did.

The two of you sat in the silent embrace for a while, letting yourselves soak in the step farther in your friendship.

"What made you okay with me after I called you drunk that night?" You mumbled into his chest.

"You pointed out how similar we are," he sighed, "made me feel seen, I guess. I felt like I could relate to you, so I tried to let you in some more."

You pulled away, "then what's with -"

"Me pushing you away?" He interrupted, "I kinda scared myself. I was being an ass cause I was trying to block myself in, ya know?"

"I know that all too well, but Kyle, it's messed up."

"Yeah," he grumbled, "I was trying not to let you in, but apparently I should do the opposite. Feels a lot better and easier to just talk to you."


"Wanna make a deal?" He met your eyes to see you questioningly tilt your head, "we let each other in."

"Deal," you wanted someone to be around, and maybe you were finally getting the opportunity. Kyle seemed to want to know while your friends like Craig and Stan just pushed because they felt responsible as a friend.

"Tell each other anything, no judgment?" he locked eyes with you

You moved your hand from his back and raised a pinky, "Promise?"

"Promise," he locked pinkies with you.

You looked at each other for a moment before you settled yourself on his bed at a more comfortable angle, leaving him to just stand at the side.

"Kyle honey- Oh hi," his mom opened the door to his room.

Kyle turned to look at her, "Yes?"

"I didn't know you had company," Sheila smiled as she greeted you.

"What'd you need?" annoyance filled his tone.

With that, Stan popped his overgrown bleached hair into view, "Sorry, didn't know you were with your girlfriend," he teased.

Kyle's eyes almost popped out of his head as he glared at Stan.

"Girlfriend?" Sheila questioned.

Stan's mouth fell in an 'O' as he realized he just exposed your 'relationship.'

"Yeah, sorry mom," Kyle sighed after breaking his glare at Stan.

"Don't be, I already figured," she smiled, "Congrates!"

You smiled shyly as she beamed a smile at you.

"I'll leave you guys be," she exited.

After Stan walked in and shut the door behind him, he immediately apologized, "I didn't know she didn't know, shit sorry."

"Eh, she woulda found out anyway," Kyle waved off as he sat on the corner of the bed by your feet.

"Didn't know you were hanging with her too, sorry for interrupting," Stan apologized again as he sat down in Kyle's desk chair.

"I didn't know you were coming over," Kyle pointed out.

"Well, you would if you checked your phone," Stan said as he tossed Kyle his phone that was placed on his desk. Sure enough, there was a text from Stan saying he was heading over, "What were you guys doing anyway?"

You and Kyle briefly looked at each other and gave Stan the wrong impression entirely.

"Damn already?!" Stan coughed as he looked at you guys.

"No," Kyle shut down, face bright red.

"Suree, you seemed alarmed when your mom came in, probably were getting ready to go to town," Stan laughed out.

"Fuck off," you laugh with Stan, trying to avoid this conversation for any longer.

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now