Part 9

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After slamming the door shut behind you, you paced your lving room, furious. How dare he?

Craig had the nerve to send someone else to ruin your date. And Kyle of all people.

Your hands furrowed into your hair as you stormed around. Thinking. Thinking of anything to do other than lose it.

Taking a deep breath, you paused. You gathered yourself. Realizing you left Kyle in the middle of your driveway, you looked outside your window and pealed open the blind. Just enough for you to see. Kyle wasn't anywhere in sight. With that you made up your mind. You were going to put Craig in his place.

Slamming your fist repeatedly against the Tucker's door gained Craig's father's attention. "Why are you being so loud Y/n?"

"I need to speak to Craig, no time," you said as you ran through the door and towards Craig's room. His father ignored your behavior and sat back on the couch, used to your random appearances.

You took a risky move by slamming open his door, but you didn't care, "Craig Tucker?!" You yelled as you stood in the doorway, arms crossed.

"Ah!" Tweak squeaked.

"Y/n? What the fuck get out!" Craig's tone filled with confusion and annoyance.

The scene before you hardly fazed you. Tweak sitting on top of Craig, all buttons of his shirt undone, and his hair more messed up than normal. Craig with his shirt off and his hat thrown on his bedside table. "Care to tell me why Kyle interrupted my date?" you huffed.

"Care to get out? I'm busy."

Tweak was trying to squirm out of Craig's lap but Craig's grip on his hasn't lightened at all, not allowing Tweak to leave. The distress on Tweak was evident to anyone. His face bright red while he looker back and forth between you two.

"I'm not leaving till you tell me why you sent Kyle?"


"Craig just tell her!" Tweak yelped as he pushed Craig's chest slightly. You eyed the two as they had a conversation with their facial expressions. Craig's face was set in a glare while Tweak's face was still distress.

"Fine," Craig gave in, "I sent Kyle because he's the most reasonable, plus he owed me."

"He's an asshole! Why him! You can trust Kenny!"

Craig raised an eyebrow at you before he slightly chucked, "Yeah right."

"He wouldn't do shit. Maybe Cartman but definitely not Kenny. Also there is still Stan?" you defend.


You agreed on that, but only that, "What about yourself? You said you don't care yet you send someone to ruin my day? Is that it?"

"Y/n he cares, I told you that," Tweak interrupts.

"What the hell Tweak? What else did you tell her?!" Craig glares as he let's go of Tweak completely.

"N-nothing! I just don't want you to hate each other," Tweak replied panicked.

Craig firmly nudged Tweak off him, "I think you should leave." His voice firm.



Tweak's voice cracks as he tries to reason before giving up and defeatedly grabbing his stuff and rushing out.

You watched him leave before quickly turning to face Craig, "That was rude."

"I don't need you two talking behind my back."

"He didn't tell me shit! Just told me not to take it seriously!"

"I don't need him picking your side."

"He picked your side! He left me and told me to sort my shit out!"

Craig hummed as he grabbed his shirt from the end of the bed. Roughly putting it on.

Your anger was fading as you were done arguing. "Don't be mad at him." Craig looked at you before nodding and grabbing his hat and putting it on. "Look I just want to know why you choose Kyle? You say it's cause you trust him but we hate each other. Then you say it's cause he owes you, but for what?"

"Kyle's a nice guy, I don't have to worry about him being around you. He just owes me from favors and shit throughout the years. That answer enough?" he sighs.

"I don't get why you're so intent on keeping me from guys," you reply, not done with the conversation, " Especially since you told me to fuck off."

"I just want you to stop drinking."

"I'll tell you what I've told everyone else. It's a me problem not a you problem. I'm not asking for help, I just want to be friends," you choke out. Tried of explaining this for the 10th time this week.

He looks you in the eyes for a while before he responds, "I keep you from guys because I don't want you to get hurt. Simple."

"So you send Kyle?" You laugh.


"He's hurting me."

Craig abruptly stands up for the first time the entire conversation, "What?" His eyes scan your body before he grabs your shoulders.

You cross your arms as you look down, defeated. "He's not hurting me physically, he's just being an asshole." He drops your arms and you finally look up, "he keeps berating me. He comments on how I'm a drunk and how I'm used for my looks."

Craig nodded before turning around d and picking up his phone and muttering, "I ask him to do one thing."

"Well wait a second-" you don't know why you interrupt his process. But you do know your done letting Craig impact your relationships, "He's only said it in heated moments! He just is easily irrated."

He looks at you before looking back down at his phone before humming and setting it down, "fine."

"Can we be good though? At least okay?" you ask, hopeful. The conversation was more of an argument but everything was said, for the most part.

Craig just flipped you off.

Smiling you set a firm tone, "you need to apologize to Tweak. He's beating himself up over this."

"I know. I will."


Authors Note
Tons of more storyline coming. Hopefully this story isn't too heated and hopefully it's still a good read. Idek if my angst is good. Lmk if I add too many arguments
Also I said earily I think that I had quit my job cuz my knee hurts. Turns out I have a rare disease lmao only 7000 people have it. Lucky me :) I'm good thi

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