Part 41

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"So you're telling me nothing changed?" Craig cocked an eyebrow at you, turning his body to face you.

"Not really? I don't know what you mean?" You sipped your drink and looked away from him.

"No, cause now I know you're lying," Craig called you out, "You did your thing of looking away."

"No, I didn't," You looked away again, hiding a smile at his irration.

"Motherfucker, now your just fucking with me," he pushed your shoulder.

You looked back at him, "What ever do you mean?"

He narrowed his eyes at you, analyzing you, "I have a feeling you want me to know. You just don't want to say it."


You blinked at him and looked away once again.

The two of you were once again in a random parking lot eating fast food. While eating, he brought up the subject of Kyle and you and how the two of you started acting differently toward each other. Which is something you wanted to tell him, just didn't know how. Or more so if you should.

"Dude, just tell me," Craig groaned again.

This time, the buzz of your phone caused you to look over. Your phone lighting up with Kyle's contact.

Both Craig and you looked at the phone before looking at each other, jumping to get the phone first. Unfortunately, you had a drink in your hand, and he had the advantage of not. He quickly grabbed your phone and answered the call, immediately putting it on speaker.

Kyle started talking as soon as he heard the line go through,"Hey, I just got off practice. When do you want to -

"KYLE-" you yelled, trying to grab ahold of your phone before anything was said.

"Hi?" Kyle replied awkwardly.

"Tell me what change," Craig demanded.

Kyle stayed quiet for a moment, "Hi to you too, Craig."

Craig rolled his eyes, "What changed between you two? Why are you guys always on each other now?"

"What?" Kyle's tone was full of confusion.

"Did you guys fuck or something?"

"What?" Kyle coughed out, "No!"

"Craig! Shut up," you smacked his arm again, finally ripping your phone from his hold, "Sorry Kyle."

You took Kyle off speaker, shooting a glare towards Craig, who crossed his arms like a child.

"It's fine, am I still on speaker?" He asked.

"No, just took you off," you answered, "What were you going to ask me?"

"Just if you want to come over? Or when?" Kyle continued his question from before.

"For sure, once Craig and I finish up what we're doing, I'll have him drop me off. That good?" You smiled.

Craig scoffed, "See you're acting fuckin weird."

You rolled your eyes, "Kyle, can I tell him what happened kind of?"

Kyle paused for a moment, "I thought we talked about this."

"I know it's just-"

He cut you off, "Look, you can tell him just remember I want some stuff between us, okay?"

"Okay, no problem," you agreed.

"Also, remember how bad this went with Wendy and Stan? Things need to be talked about in a relationship, not through others," Kyle gently reminded.

"But we aren't -"

"Same concept."

"Also, I'm just telling him the juicy stuff, not bad mouthing you, bubbie," you cooed.

"I hate you," Kyle groaned, "Imma let you go, I need to get home and shower."

"Okay, swamp ass," you sighed in a loving tone. Craig giving you a 'what the fuck' look in return.

"You're gross," was all Kyle said before hanging up.

"Bubbie? Swamp ass?" Craig immediately questioned.

You looked at him blankly, "What? Want me to call him baby or something?"

"That'd be the normal thing to do."

"Sucks I'm not 'normal' then," You put your hands in quotes for the word normal.


You slapped his arm before reaching and grabbing some more of your food from the bag.

"So?" Craig dragged out.

"What?" You spoke while chewing.

"You going to tell me what changed?"

"Oh, him and I kissed," you swallowed your food and took a sip of your drink, watching his reaction.

"For the first time?"


"You haven't before?"


"You've been dating for over a month."


"Wait," he set down the drink he was holding, "So you're telling me, you've been dating for over a month and the first time the two of you kissed was a week or so ago?"

"Yeah," you nodded at him.

"Now how the fuck does that make sense," Craig thought out loud. His eyes were scrunched in thought as he recalled everything, "So you both had hickeys from each other before you've kissed?"

You shrugged, "Look, don't think about the timeline too hard."

He paused, "Actually. Kind of does make sense now that I think about it."

"Why?" You were confused at his sudden change in tone and view of the situation.

"Because you never told me about kissing him before, and knowing you, you would have been dying to tell me about it finally," He shrugged and leaned back onto his seat.

"I hate that you know me so well," you muttered, "Also surprised it took you so long to realize."

He ignored what you said, "So how was it?"

"Strange, but in a good way," you leaned back in your seat, looking out the windshield trying to think of the right words.

The two of you sat in silence for a while. Finishing up your food while he waited for you to continue.

"Like," you started, taking a deep breath before continuing, "It wasn't really like what others explained before, you know?" You looked at him, seeing him nod. "I was kind of consumed by it. All thoughts left the window the second I kissed him. Could hardly think and still hardly can when I kiss him."

"That's good," Craig said after you paused for a while, "That's how it should be. That's how it feels when I kiss Tweek. Still can barely function when I kiss him. it feels like the first time every time."

The two of you were both staring out the windshield, watching the stars that were slowly consuming the night sky. It was around 8 pm now, the dark shades of put fully taking over the sky.

It felt good to finally talk to Craig about everything. Feels like a weight taken off your shoulders again.

"You still happy with him?" Craig looked at you after a while of not talking.

You sighed, looking back at him, "Yeah, definitely."

Authors note:
The duo is BACK BABY

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