Part 48

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You let out a long sigh, letting your lung deflate as you leaned against the counter. Closing your eyes in thought. Nothing went as it was supposed to tonight. Yeah, Kyle was able to get on your mom's good side, but in return you were dragged through the mud. It was enduring to see Kyle try so hard to make your mom happy, and it was amazing to see his family get along with yours.

"Honey?" your mom asked as she entered the kitchen, standing near the entryway. You opened your eyes to look at her. "Everything alright?" she asked gentle as she padded her way into the kitchen, leaning on the counter across from you.

"Yeah, just," you rubbed your face in frustration, "Small argument with Kyle."

"I heard," your mom hummed, crossing her arms in the classic motherly way. You waited for her to say more, looking at the ground to avoid her look.

After a long silence, you spoke up, "I don't see Connor romantically."

"But you do Kyle?"

You looked up at her confused, "Yeah? He's my boyfriend."

"Is he?" She shot you a challenging look, "I remember you saying that it doesn't mater since you're not 'actually dating'" 

All color left your face, "I was just mad, we're actually dating-"

"Cut the shit," your mom looked at you blankly, "I may not be around much but I'm still your mother, and I can tell when your lying."

You were at a loss for what to say, what to do.

"Look," she let out a breath, "I'm not mad, at least not yet. I just want to know why you felt the need to lie to me. Just tell me what's going on. Even if you just hooked up, or whatever you kids call it, last night and that's it. I don't care as long as your safe."

"Oh my god, mom no," you flushed, "I didn't sleep with him!"

"Okay, then what's going on?" you mom urged you to explain.

"Full story?"

"Full story," your mom confirmed.

"Wine?" you asked hopefully.

"Wine," your mom agreed, dropped her arms and moved around the kitchen to grab you two a glass. "A bottle each?"

"A bottle each," you nodded.

The two of you sometimes did this. Cozied up on the couch, a bottle of wine for you both, a fire warming the room, and the TV playing an old movie. She used to do this with her mom, so now she does it with you. While you're 17, she doesn't mind much. Only really allowing you to drink once you hit 16. She wanted you safe, knowing your tolerance of alcohol so you didn't find out the hard way around strangers.

Fortunately, you were lucky. The fire that Kyle insisted on making during diner was still blazing. Just needing an extra log to keep going.  With the fire good, you started the movie up and got comfy on the couch. Changing the volume on the TV to one that was barely audible over the noise of the fire, in order to be the least distracting.

Just as you set the remote down, your mom handed you your glass of wine, setting a bottle for each of you down on the coffee table. Sometimes if it was really bad, the two of you would drink straight from the bottle, tonight wasn't one of those. She filled her glass and got comfortable before turning to you, "So, Kyle?"

"Right, Kyle," you looked down at your glass, swirling the content of it before taking a small sip. You held the glass with both hands, watching the ripples of the wine as you started talking. "We've been fake dating for a while," you confessed.

"Fake dating? Why?"

"I'm not even sure," you laughed looking back on everything, "As you know, Craig always made guys stay away from me. That Cartman guy did the same to Kyle. With that, there was a rumor that went out about me and Kyle dating, so we just went with it. And have been sense."

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