Part 10

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The week went by in a blur. Not in an intoxicated blur, but a blur nonetheless. You avoided drinking for the week as the taste of alcohol made you shiver. This wasn't an improvement. This was a repeat. Every time you push past your limits with drinking, you tend to avoid drinking for a week or so. The idea of whiskey shot you through all the memories of the near broken friendships.

Craig and you were on decent terms, not hanging out daily, but you talked during school and lunch.

Tweek was timid around you. He didn't want to make you 're lapse' somehow.

The rest were normal. Stan and you hung out when you felt like it. Kenny and you messing around like normal. And you ignoring Cartman. You weren't worried about them though, nothing bad happened between those friends. You were worried, or more so confused, about Kyle. You haven't talked since you yelled at him. Part of you was relieved. He had no right to be so rude towards you. Another part of you just wanted answers.

It was Friday again, and you were sitting in Physics class staring, more so glaring, at the back of Kyle's head. Like the rest of the year, expect that one class, he sat in front of you and Rick sat beside you.

"Alright, class, go to your lab station and begin working on the lab on page 246."

With that, you grabbed your textbook and walked to your lab station. You waited there as Rick grabbed your lab supplies. You were reading the lab instructions as you heard someone set their book down in the lab across from you. Looking up, you made eye contact with Kyle, who was sorting out his supplies. Of course, you forgot he normally had the lab station in front of you, forcing you to look at him any time you looked up. Especially since you were facing each other. He looked up and gave you a blank look. Before you could argue, Rick came back.

"I got our stuff. Do you want to start on lab A or a different one?"

Breaking your stare with Kyle, you looked at him, "I would like to start on lab E. It's the hardest, and I'd rather get it out of the way."

Both of you pretended nothing happened a week ago, which was for the best. It didn't both you in the slightest. You commonly got that response from guys after Craig scared them off.

Sorting out the supplies you two begun. He read the step while you did the work. The two of you had to wait for a reaction. In the meantime, you were looking at the boy in front of you.

Embarrassing enough, Kyle caught you looking at him, "What?"

You shook yourself to gain back focus, "Nothing, you're just doing the second step wrong," you reached out and pointed at his work, "You're supposed to add component Z before component X." Annoyed, he just grunted out a thanks.

"You're supposed to be my lab partner."

You hummed in question as you looked back at Rick. His arms rested on the table as he scribbled down notes for the lab. "I am?"

"Sure you are," he huffed, "a disloyal one."

You frowned as you watched him return to his work. Soon, the reaction you were waiting for happened, and you could move onto a different lab. Your physics teacher used a lot of chemistry to try and relate back to physics, so you never really understood how to do the lab reports. The labs always seemed random.

The lab you moved to next was the easiest due to Rick's complaints of doing the hardest first. This time, you read off the instructions, and he did the work.

"What are you looking at?" Rick snapped, irrated that your attention drifted from the lab once again. He looked at you before following your line of sight, "" You smiled in apology and focused back in the lab.

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now