Part 47

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Foot steps coming up the stairs stirred Kyle awake, the sudden jolts to his movements waking you up as well.

"Would you quit it?" you grumbled.

"Darling," a voice sounded as your door opened, a gasp coming out of their mouth.

The silence woke you up more, the uncomfortable tension. You rolled over to face your door, eyes barely opened, "Mom?" You squeaked. The hangover feeling you had for a brief moment before hit you back at the same time you noticed your mom. The mom that wasn't supposed to be home for another week. "I thought you came home next Saturday?"

"Looks like I'm not the only one to surprise. Now, would anyone like to explain who this man is?" Your mom tapped her foot in impatience.

Kyle stood from the bed, putting as much space as possible between you and him, "I'm Kyle Broflovski, her boyfriend," he choked out after giving you a glance to see if he was saying the right things.

Your mom's eyes lit up for a moment before turning to a glare, "While I'm glad she got a boyfriend, I don't see a reason as to why you're here."

"I was drunk off my ass and he helped me out," you confused, not wanting to hear your mom go on another tangent.

She hummed in thought, "Where was Craig?"

"He's was mad at me."

"Does Craig approve of him?" she asked as if Kyle wasn't standing right there.

"Yes," you groaned.

"Then we'll have dinner together tonight," your mom suggested, "I got to get to know the boy that sleeps in my daughter's bed when I'm not here."

You flushed before burying your head in your pillows, avoiding everything.

"Kyle, right?" your mom asked, getting a nod from Kyle, "Invite your parents too, dinner at 6." With that, she left the room.

Kyle and you shared an awkward glance as you sat in the silence of what happened.

"What the hell am I going to tell my parents?" Kyle stressed, standing up to get ready to go home. Grabbing his hat from your night stand and his jacket from your desk chair.

You sat up fully to look at him, taking an extra moment to watch his muscles tense as he put his jacket on. "Just say my mom wants you over for dinner, its's not anything weird," you answered.

"Your mom will probably tell them I stayed over, they don't know that I did," Kyle panicked, starting to pace.

You stood up and placed your hands on his shoulders, stopping his pacing, "I'll ask my mom to not say anything, she's cool. Don't worry."

He let out a sigh, "Please do, but if I want to be home before my parents get worried I got to leave now."

You pouted at that, "Lame."

Kyle let out a laugh before giving you a kiss, grabbing his phone to leave. As he picked up his phone, your phone buzzed with a new message. He grabbed it as well to hand it to you. Reading the message as well.



Its Connor, is this Y/n? You punched my brother at his basketball game, in case you don't remember me.

Not mad!

Just brought it up cause it was funny, and I know you were drunk.

Not a bad thing either


My brother deserved the punch though


"You gave him your number?" Kyle asked as he handed your phone to you.

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now