Part 29

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"So we're just going to go in there and surpise them?" You fold your arms questioningly at Wendy. She stood in front of you in her makeshift Toadette costume, ready for the Halloween party.

"Yep!" She beamed.

"And you haven't shown anyone what we look like?" You questioned again.

"Not even Stan," she said proudly.

"Fine," you groaned, "We can surpise em."

"Sorry that I'm taking away your precious time with Kyle," she teased, handing you your Toad costume, "now go get ready, I need to be at the party before it starts."

You grabbed the costume from her, "Alright, but why do you need to be there early?"

"Tolkien and I need to discuss Student Council stuff. Also, he wanted my help with setting stuff up since Clyde is incompetent," she said, fixing the frills on her hot pink dress in the mirror.

"Makes sense," you shrugged before turning away and getting your costume on. While Wendy went all out with a hot pink dress, cute white lace/frills, more white details to bring in all colors of Toadette, and then her signature hat except in pink with white dots. You, on the other hand, had procrastinated, making the costume the same day as the party. A white hat with painted red dots, a cute true blue top, and white bottoms was your costume for the night.

While Wendy adjusted her cute 3-bead pink and white polka-dot earings, she spoke out to you, "I don't get why you didn't get an outfit beforehand."

You sighed, "I was going to, but then I had to finish up the history project, and then I had to look up the requirements for working at Bowling Ball," before you could continue, Wendy interrupted you.

"And then you got distracted hanging out with Kyle," she laughed.


"Not just a maybe, a definite. Also, a job at Bowling Ball?" She question, fixing her other earing now.

"Yeah, Kenny works there. It seems fun, so I might as well," you shrugged, sitting on her bed as you waiting for her room finish up.

"Doesn't your mom give you any money that you need?"

"Well, yeah, but I don't want to forever rely on that. I need to get a job someday, and if I start now, then I can save up and get ahead," you pointed out.

"Fair, I want a job at Tweaks coffee shop, but I'm in too many clubs to even imagine it," she muttered.

"Well, let me know if you actually want to work there, Tweek would love to have you there."

"I will," she smiled at you before turning back to the mirror, "Is Tweek going to be at the party?"

You grabbed your phone, checking to see if you got any last-minute cancle from Tweek or Craig, "As far as I'm aware, they're going to be there." While on your phone you sent a text to double check, Tweek replied immediately to let you know that he was already there. "Yeah, they're there already."

"Oh nice," Wendy hummed, "Okay, I'm ready. I'll drive?"

"Works for me," you said as you got up, grabbing your keys to make sure you had them. Luckily, the bottoms you were wearing had pockets so you could easily hold your phone, keys, and anything small you might need.

Wendy grabbed a few more things before the two of you got in her car. Unlike Stan, her car was clean and relatively new. It is a nice car and has heated and cooled seats. The drive from Wendy's to Tolkien's is a lot shorter than Stan's to Tolkien's, so you were thankful not to be jammed into a packed car for twenty minutes.

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now