Part 18

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His room hasn't changed since the last time you were in it. Bright beige walls and a queen bed tucked in the corner next to the window with a fancy dark wood bedframe. His matching wood dresser in front of his bed with a TV on top. His windows were slightly covered with dark blue curtains and his bed dress in different hues of blue as well. Turning around, on the same wall of his door was his dark desk with his PC setup that had greens highlighting it. That's where Kyle was sitting currently, his jacket thrown on the corner of his bed and his hat on his desk.

He watched as you took in his room fully for the first time. Last time when you were in it, you were drunk and not fully aware of the personality that made up his room. Nerd posters displayed above his desk and a shelf with a set of action figures of Terrence and Philip. When you caught his eye, he found it endearing to him when you shyed away and twisted around to take a seat on his bed.

"So -" you both started, looking at each other and questioning who would continue.

With him guestering towards you, you continued, "So what do you what to do?"

"I'm not entirely sure," he sighed as he leaned back in his chair, breaking eye contact to stare at the ceiling. "I didn't think too far ahead. When Cartman said he couldn't bug me anymore, I was relieved, so I jumped on the chance."

"Did you even think how this would affect me?"

"Yes," he admitted, "Craig said he approved on it, and I thought it'd save you some grief of him breathing down your back. I know you hate that he does that."

The both of you soaked in the situation in silence. You fiddled with your hands, and he slightly twisted his chair while he maintained his eyes on the ceiling.

"Rick, along with everyone who doesn't know us, thinks we're dating because of how you acted at the part," you said, trying to move the conversation along.

Kyle's hands reached to rub his face in frustration, "I don't even remember doing that, sorry." He looked at you when he apologized and saw your head tilted in confusion, so he continued, "The whole laying on you back and hugging you."

"Oh, it's fine," you laughed off. You didn't want him apologizing for that. "It did make us look like a couple thought."

"Yeah," he laughed in a single huff of a breath. Then he sat up straight, "What doesn't make sense is why our friends think we're dating."

For a moment, you thought about how Kenny thought it. You've gone to Kenny several times telling him how attractive Kyle was. But Kenny was the only one who could think that, so why did everyone else.

"Yeah, like Craig was completely on board, and it was weird," you pondered with Kyle.

His face turned guilty, "Well I'm not that surprised."

"What do you mean?"

"It's been mentioned a couple of times between me and him."

"Kyle, you gotta elaborate more."

"He's always been okay with me, hence why he asked me to steer you away from Zach," he shrugged, "he told me once that he trusted me to date you before, he was drunk off his ass though," he laughed.

You didn't really know how to take that. This was the only time you've had a long normal conversation with. In fact, this is the only time you've talked to him for the entire day without getting mad at him.

"He never gets drunk," is what you decide to say.

"I guess not."

"When was he drunk?" You frowned, unaware that he even drank in the past year.

"Like a couple days after you had your argument with him," he answered. He was concerned about how your mood dropped.

"He never told me," you sighed.

" I only know cause he was hanging with Tolkien. I went to Tolkien's, and Craig was already wasted," he sat upright.

You hummed. You were hurt that he didn't go to you, but you were also upset that he yelled at you for drinking, then went and did the same thing.

"Why was he drinking?"

"I honestly don't know," he answered truthfully.

Then it clicked, "Is that why you owed him a favor?"

You caught him, his face paled slightly. "We've always owed each other favors."

"But this was more," you pushed.

"Well, it's just," he struggled, "You're not supposed to know."

"I'll tell Cartman you lied and that we aren't dating," you threatened. For some reason, he wanted the fake dating to work, so you threatened the only thing you had over him.

He groaned, "Fine, fine. He got drunk as hell, I drove him home, and he started blabbing about you. He was thanking me for helping you out, and then told me not to tell you. When I dropped him off, he mentioned how he owed me twice. He helped me with my car and stuff and a little more, so the favors got flipped around." He took a breath, "so we were basically even. But then he mentioned you going on a date with Zach, so I just offered and lied to you, saying it was a favor."

Now that hurt, it just hurt. Even someone who wasn't necessarily your friend felt the need to take care of you. "I dont get why you did, though. You get annoyed with Cartman doing it but just did it to me?"

"I regretted it as soon as I interrupted, but it was too late to just back out," You made weak eye contact with him. Shifting your eyes away every couple of seconds.

"We should just talk about how to work around this whole fake dating this," you changed the topic.

"But Y/n-"

"I don't want to talk about it." You cut him off. You wanted to unpack this all later and by yourself first.

His face was drenched in regret. He took a misstep and made the little progress he made with you, dissappear.

"Is there anything you wanted to make clear? We have to make our relationship obvious," he said. Reluctantly changing topics for you.

You simply shrugged. Your mood was ruined, and you had an exciting day. While you dated drama, this was kind of fun for you. Or it was fun.

"Well, I can walk you to class, and we can continue to sit together during the classes we have together," he offered.

Wow. Your first relationship was going to be a fake one. Your shoulders sunk in, "What do we gain from this?"

"We get Craig and Cartman off our backs, and when you show Craig you can handle a relationship, he'll loosen up hopefully."

Maybe that could work. It doesn't hurt to try, you guess.

"Besides hanging around each other more, that covers school, but what about our friends," he questioned aloud.

"They already believe we are dating. We'll just sit closer together at group hangouts," you suggest, " and we'll hang out alone more, I guess. Couples hang out a lot, so we have to make them think that."

"You alright?"

"Hm?" You looked up from your lap, finally. Concern covered every corner of his face. He sat up in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees and looking at you. He felt like he was more so looking past you. You became so shut off so quickly. The energy you had thirty minutes ago completely gone.

"What's wrong?"

Your stomach sank, you hated being asked that, and recently, you haven't been asked that at all. At least not with someone who was genuinely concerned for you.

At first, you shrugged. Then you broke down.

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now