Part 37

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"You alright there?" Kyle asked, peering over the side of the bed you were currently hanging off.

"This alcohol is kicking my ass," you groan.

"At least you haven't puked yet," Kyle said, trying to make light of your misery. You had one hand making sure you didn't fall fully off the bed, and the other hand, holding a trashcan to your face.

The urge you felt to puke was strong. After all, once you puke, it is out of your system, most of the time. Some of the time, you puke for hours, and you were scared that was going to happen again.

"How come you are in as bad as shape as I am?" You questioned.

"We have different tolerances," he stated plainly. You looked over your shoulder and glared at him. "What?"

"I have a higher tolerance than you, so that answer was bullshit."

"Fine, I drank some coconut water to help for today," he shrugged, "I also don't puke from alcohol, well rarely."

"And why didn't you offer me some?" You whined, moving to face the trashcan again.

"You were with Kenny or Craig when I was drinking some."

"Fuck you," you grumbled, nauseous of everything. The smell in the air, the feeling of the bed on your stomach, literally everything was making you nauseous.

Kyle's hand found your back and rubbed up and down, soothing the urge to throw up. "Do you remember everything from last night?" He whispered, unaware if you did since the condition you currently were in.

"Uh, yeah? Did something bad happen?" You asked, genuinely confused as to why he asked.

"No, we uh, nothing," he bit his tongue, oppting to just continue rubbing your back.

"Kiss?" You put the trashcan down and slowly turned your body to look at him.

"Yeah, that," he coughed awkwardly.

You stifled a laugh at the view of his bright red face, "Yeah, I remember that."

"That's, that's good." His face was as red as his hair.

"I also remember what we agreed on after," you teased. The eyes he was previously using to look anywhere but at you shot to yours instantly.

"You do?" He had his hands now awkwardly placed between you two, unsure of how to place his next move.

You put your hands over his, "Yes, I do... but if I taste any more alcohol, even from what you had last night, I'll throw up."

He grimaced, "Gross, yeah, let's not."

"Don't wanna kiss me anymore?" You faked a pout.

"No." The red in his face was disappearing, and he was almost back to his normal, composed self.

Before you let him fully turn away, you grabbed his arm and lifted yourself so you could plant a small kiss on his cheek. Jumping out of the bed afterward, giving him a glance right before you left the room, just to see his bright red face again.

The sudden movements brought another wave of nausea, so you had to slow your path to the nearest kitchen.

Once there, you were met with a tall, messy haired blonde.

"Getting water for your plus one?" You teased.

Kenny smirked, "they always need it after a night with me."

"Oh, I'm sure they do," you rolled your eyes, "Eventful night for them to soothe you as you cry to them."

"That was one time," he pointed at you, "and for your information, I didn't cry. They did, though. And not from sadness if you catch my drift."

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now