Sensitive Kitty

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A month goes by with the boy in the hands of RDA recoms, and a wolf desperately trying to find a way out of here. Every couple of days the recoms went out on flights around the forest gathering knowledge on their surroundings, only sometimes taking the boy. Without the boy Nick would ride behind Quaritch on his ikran, with Spider present Nick would be on Lyle's ikran. There was another rare instance where the General let Ace and Nick outdo together alone on the mission of collecting fruits for Diane, experimenting with reasons she concluded. Each day he gained the RDA's trust whether it was helping officers move cargo or sit and listen to Lyle crap on, he was gaining their trust. However with the plan of escaping became more and more real the woods relationship to the cat slowly came to a halt. Avoiding distractions and feelings that's all he led on to believe as he kept his distance from the Colonel. Even no matter how hard the wolf tried though there was always a moment in the week where they would end up alone and unwanted feelings became nonsense. Slow make out sessions happen just from a look that's all it took to make the Colonel crazy. The wolf never tried fighting him on it either; he embraced the Colonel each time only making it harder to resist. But every time there would be a new distraction breaking them up. Duchess had grown a staggering amount now, almost being as tall as spider. On solid meat the kitten would eat the food Nick had hunted while out in the forest, a single hexapede lasting a single week. On the last day of the month Nick and Ace went to Ardmore asking if they could go on another flight by themselves, "why would I let you both do that?" She asks. "Well, we just wanted to go for a fun flight, two hours, that's all we ask". '' Giving them the side eye Ardmore had no real reason to oppose, "Two hours, Ace you have your coms.". High fiving each other Nick and Ace jumped into the air running back to the outside of bridgehead. Cujo was waiting patiently. Getting on the ikran they flew off in a hurry to the forest. "What's the plan today?" Asked Ace. Nick kept himself quiet until they flew over the bridgehead gate. "We're going back to the Na'vi base" Said Nick. "What? Why?". "I overheard Quaritch had plans of searching for the base, if they find it I don't know how far they'll go to find Jake Sully"

"So what's the plan furboy?"
"I watched the logs and records regarding the Na'vi being with humans. I convinced Ardmore it was so I could look at patterns with the Na'vi attacks, they built a school you know. Shit got lit up with guns and they killed a kid, destruction of the Na'vi's tree home, I remember kiri telling me about that. Hundreds of people including kids it's.."

"Fuck.." muttered Ace.
"You know the worst part though? Head of security was the commander of it all, human Quaritch"

"You think he'll kill a kid?" Asked Ace.
"I'm worried about him killing anyone, even if he doesn't it's inevitable someone on the team will if shit goes south."

Nick sighed, swallowing down before speaking, "my plan is I'll talk to their current leader and Mo'at about a plan to catch some of the guys, if I can do that I might be able to convince em to switch sides."

"You've known em way longer than me Nick but.. you know they'd never do that. What's the plan if they refuse?"

"There isn't one" flying into base Ace hopped off the ikran along with Nick not wanting to be stuck with the Na'vi again. Walking around Nick didn't pay attention to the Na'vi staring and cursing at them, he only kept his head straight looking for Mo'at. Looking to one of the labs Max was just walking out of the door carrying his trust clipboard. "Max!" Yelled Nick. Looking over to the tall furry figure standing in the distance Max froze out of fear. Signing Nick walked over reaching him in just a minute or two. "Max, where's Mo'at? Or whoever your leader is?"
"She's uh..." muttered Max. Norm walked out of the lab patting Max on the shoulder. "You're looking for tarsem, he'll be around that corner wearing red". "Cheers" Said Nick nodding his head to norm. "Easy man, you're fine around nine foot tall aliens but a wolf?"
"Watch it norm" Said Nick, walking away from them. Ace followed quickly behind the wolf. Turning the corner like Norm said there was a Na'vi dressed in red talking to some other Na'vi in a circle. Looking at the wolf, the Na'vi in red stood up, flicking his tail, "uh.. mawey?" Calmed Nick bowing to the Na'vi, Ace looked down next to Nick quickly copying him, not making eye contact. The man spoke in Na'vi quicker than Nick could even process. "You don't speak English by any chance would you?" Asked Nick. "Mo'at told me about you both, why are you here sky people" curling his lip at the both of them. "I'm here tell you a plan on catching some Avatars, peacefully"

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