6 | Do You Want To Eat Ramen

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Song recommendation: Set Fire to the rain by Adele

Jungwon did stay back for my birthday night. I didn't know what made me ask him that, but I did, and I was glad that I did. We talked. Not a lot. But we did talk. For example, for the first time he acknowledged the aspect of me being his junior. Not in the entertainment industry, but in school.

"Did you see me in school?" He asked as he moved around the kitchen, helping me to fix ramen for us.

I know you since.... "Why are you asking?"

"Just because."

We have had some good and some bad blood encounters since 2023, maybe that was why we were so comfortable in each other's company. It didn't feel weird at all. He disliked me, and I had zero fucks to give on the matter, so everything was fine in the world. It used to bother me. His cold glares. Not anymore. Somewhere along the way I had given up on Yang Jungwon.

"I did. You being a popular boy helped the case." I put the cover over the boiling ramen, and lifted myself to the counter, my legs dangling. "You seemed shy most of the times."

He washed his hands, his eyes staring into nothingness. If I didn't know better then I would say he was avoiding looking at me. "I liked my classmates, but yeah it was overwhelming with people trying to get into my personal space."

"Figured." I looked around the kitchen, humming.

"I'm sorry for bringing up your 18th birthday." Jungwon walked towards me slowly, and I swear the moment he raised his head to meet my gaze, I felt my heart take a double dip.

"It's fine. Past is past. It wasn't a big deal." I shrugged, staring away.

He opened his mouth as if to argue but then he looked at me, and whatever helplessness he saw on my face silenced him. Let me be strong, I begged without a word. He understood. Somehow he did. I cleared my throat, and smiled. I smile a lot when I was nervous. The atmosphere was heavy all of the sudden.

"Why don't you go to your parents?" Jungwon stood beside me, his foot crossed over his other ankle as he leaned back on the counter.

He was trying to change the topic, but he chose the wrong turn. I closed my eyes. "They're out of the country," I lied.

"You won't have anyone here tomorrow?" His quiet voice buzzed in the silence.

"Birthdays are overrated. It's alright." I jumped down the counter, and stumbled into Jungwon's arms. Talk about kdrama. Our eyes met, his alert. "Sorrryy," I dragged the word, easing out of his hold and stirred the ramen. "It's ready. Let's eat."

He followed me to the table as I portioned the bowls. He sneaked glances at me, and I put on some drama on the TV to erase him. Why all of the sudden he had to show pity? He never did before. All he had given me were glares and scoldings. We ate in silence as I tried to think of a way to kick him out. I didn't want him here anymore. His phone buzzed just as he slurped the soup.

"Ah Miyoung. What is it?" Jungwon received the call.

I paused. The fork stayed suspended in the air as I took a deep breath and relaxed before finishing my bowl. I cleared the dishes. He, on the other side, fell silent. His gaze stayed on the table as he listened to whatever Miyoung had to say. Whatever it was, he was hurting. His throat wobbled, and eyes closed.

My feet carried me on their accord. I snatched the phone from him, and hung up on Miyoung. I didn't know why I did it. I just did.

Jungwon got up, glaring at me. "What the hell?"

In A Relationship With Enhypen Jungwon [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now