🔵 Chapter 06

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3rd person POV

A week has already passed, Rayleigh was surprised that he is actually able to survive these days. So far, he has avoided all potential threats to his life. And he did his best not to interact with anyone. Her colleagues noticed this change and were secretly thanking heaven that Rayleigh no longer bothered them. But despite its change, its reputation is still rubbish.

Rayleigh didn't mind though. Everything is going according to his plan. Everyone is ignoring him and he is ignoring them too, it's a win-win. He will not be involved in any drama or violence that will happen in the future. He's just someone invisible who has nothing to do with anyone. He's playing the part safe, acting as one of those background characters who are barely involved in the main character's stories.

The only thing he needed to do was not go to the fountain during the sports party, because that's where he's going to meet that psychotic village.

Rayleigh can't help but secretly burst into tears of joy, thinking about how he's surviving so well so far.

The sports festival will take place next week. He needed to be aware of the protagonist's other enemies, as in the story, they will also meet Rayleigh during this event.

As Rayleigh walked through the halls, he saw something that piqued his interest. He sees a white door, and there's a sign above it that says 'Music Room'

A smile forms on his lips and he curiously opens the door to see if there are people inside. In her relief, it appears that the room was empty. He excitedly entered the room and closed the door behind him, he also made sure to lock it.

Rayleigh looked around in amazement at how beautiful the room is and how it's giving it a Victorian era vibe. The design of the room was totally her cup of tea. Especially as they had a beautiful chandelier that seems to be what royalty owns. He walks around the room excitedly, looking at the instruments.


Rayleigh looks at the white violin that is as glassy as ice. He touches her and watches her features. He then spotted a ruby ​​red guitar that was hanging near the mirror. He walks towards her and carries her in his arms.

It has good strings, the guitar sounds so good. Wow, it even has a capo. It's as beautiful as a diamond. Rayleigh really thought whoever owns this academy must be super rich.

"Sigh, it's been a while since I've played guitar... It's good to see one again." he says as he looks at the guitar with a stoic expression, but deep down, he's super happy to see it.

Ever since Rayleigh was forced by his parents to enlist in the army, he hasn't been able to play a guitar for nearly a year. He was so happy to see it again, it made him want to play it again, just like he does covers on YouTube and how he plays it all night just to relieve the stress.

"Hmm... Let's see. What song should I play?" he asks myself.

Then a song came to mind.

He started singing while strumming the guitar?.

As Rayleigh sings the song, he is suddenly reminded of his family...

He remembers how much he misses his family and his former world. He didn't really live a very good life, but he remembers the best times he had with the people he cared about.

The title of the song he was singing was 'Coming Home' by Skyler Grey. It was one of her favorite songs in her previous world.

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