🔵 Chapter 20

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Chapter 20- Kabedon! The famous wall slam

Rayleigh's POV

As our teacher discussed the history lesson, I couldn't help but focus on his lesson. Alexander is beside me, the atmosphere around us so heavy I'm afraid to move an inch. I slowly looked up at Alexander and happened to make eye contact. We both flinch and turn our heads in a different direction. During the whole class, I sweat a lot because of nervousness.

This is so embarrassing. I hope the protagonist isn't thinking I'm a pervert or something. And I hope that later, he doesn't cut me to pieces.

Later, when the class was dismissed. I went to the cafeteria to eat snacks, Psyche was with me too. Seriously, this guy has been hanging out with me longer than usual. As the two of us walk down the empty halls, Alexander suddenly appears in front of me. He grabs me and slams me into the wall, preventing me from escaping. I think he already assumed I was going to run, that's why he did it. Mask...

This position is very boring......

His leg is between mine, his face is inches from mine, and his other hand is on the wall while the other is gripping the collar of my shirt.

I don't know why, but..... He's doing this....

Infamous KABEDON!?!?!? [This is that position where one person 'pins' the other to the wall using their body, arms, even legs. Yes, that famous position you have in anime]

All right, calm down. I need to handle this situation calmly. "What do you want, Viefelt?" I asked, trying not to look intimidated.

"Oh? It's such a surprise that you just called me by my last name. It's been a while since you've called me by my name, because until now, all you do is run away from me." he tells me. Alexander looks at me intensely, their gazes searching me. I stood there, absolutely frozen, trying not to move an inch. "You... This time... This time for sure you won't deceive me!!" he says with an evil grin.


I don't understand what he's saying, but I'm going to apologize.

"Look, I'm sorry for the inappropriate things I did to you, twice. I swear it was all just an accident." I try to tell him calmly, but deep down I'm totally shaking with fear. I can't stop sweating as I show him my poker face.

"....Inappropriate..." said Alexander. His face suddenly turned red and he lowered his head, not showing his eyes. I could see him squirming.

Psyche just stood there with no idea what's going on. "Umm, guys? I don't know what's going on, but… Alexander, could you step away from Greyhound right now? He looks uncomfortable…" The blonde tells Alexander.

"You unmannered bastard! You dare trick me with such inappropriate things again!?!? I will never leave you!" Alexander suddenly screams at the top of his lungs. His face was all red and stuff as he kept rambling on about tricking him or challenging him or whatever.

I just looked at him, screaming internally.


It's not like I want to do this to you!!!

"Hey! I didn't intentionally kiss you! That was an accident. Are you listening!?" I exclaimed, finally losing my composure. Psyche stood there behind Alexander, surprised to see my usual poker face disappear completely.

"What!? You kissed him!?" Psyche exclaimed in surprise.

"Like I said, it wasn't intentional!!" I scream.com Psyche.

"Oh really!? So what was it like earlier, when you blatantly hugged me out of nowhere and then ran into the classroom after you did the act!" exclaimed Alexander. "That was an accident too!" I snapped.

"Liar!" Alexander yells at me.

"You even hugged him!?" Psyche exclaimed again. He then lowered his head, placing a hand on his chin. He suddenly became so emo, mumbling about how he wished he could do that to Marcelle and...

Wait, you're already interested in her!? We haven't even gotten to the chapter yet nineteen!

Wait, that's not the problem now! At this moment, I need

away from this crazy protagonist.

"Now, how do you explain your actions?" Alexander looks at me with a menacing look.

What should I do?

I can't do the same trick again, so what else can I do to escape it.

I worked so hard to plan to avoid it, and in the end it backfired. Now he's here in front of me, pinning me to the wall. I don't know how things ended up like this and I don't know why the protagonist is trying to compete with me for some nonsense.

"This time, you won't escape-"

Before Alexander finished his sentence, I bit his ear.

Alexander shuddered.

I learned that the ears are highly sensitive to touch because of the high number of sensory receptors in the skin. My older brother once bit my ear because I wasn't helping him with his poetry homework. Fuck, it hurt so much. Since that day, I already help him with his tasks.

Alexander is physically strong, he's totally beyond my level. I learned from our commander that it's important to learn a human's weaknesses. He didn't say anything about the ear, but the internet taught me that. There was this article that I accidentally found, I ask what the hell was in it but I say it has a lot of embarrassing things.

Now, putting those memories aside, unfortunately, I didn't bite strong enough. Shit.

Now I really can't wait, your grip is now loose...

I noticed Alexander suddenly shaking. I slowly looked up at him and was met with shock. He became so silent and his face was now burning redder than before, his ears are also red. "Why your little… Alexander stops, looking at me with his eyes twitching.

Wait a minute... Did it work or not?....

Your grip is loose, so I guess so.

Take the opportunity!!!

I immediately slapped his hand and pushed him away from me.

Now, start the withdrawal!

"What the... hey! Greyhound! Where are you going?!" Psyche called.

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