🔵 Chapter 07

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I Got Caught, So Bribing Is the Solution

Rayleigh's POV

"Finally, I got you." Psyche says.

He looks at Rayleigh who is now lying on the floor. He is very grateful that he is physically weak. Well, that's what he really thinks. Rayleigh is now not so weak because he went through military training in his previous life. But it cannot be said that he is stronger than Psyche, Alex and other fighters in the academy. They could still beat Rayleigh easily.

Since Rayleigh knows he can't get away easily. He just gave up and sat on the floor.

"What the hell do you want from me?" he asks Psyche, trying to hide his fear.

Psyche pauses there for a while, surprised by her question. But he answers anyway.

"Well I want to know why are you hiding the fact that you are really talented?"

Rayleigh looks at him in confusion.

actually... what?" he looks at Psyche in disbelief as he hears something that is so unreal.

"I meant why are you pretending to be talentless and good for nothing? When clearly, you have such extraordinary talent?!" he asks again, it was louder this time.

El, friend. Extraordinary is an exaggeration!

Rayleigh thought, cringing at what Psyche had just said.

"O, blonde. Aren't you overreacting a bit?" Rayleigh frowns at him.

This time, Psyche is the one who got confused.


"I'm saying what you saw back there was nothing out of the ordinary." Rayleigh immediately denies this. He doesn't want to continue this conversation, he needs to get away from his future torturer so he can live his whole nights in peace.

"Liar. You can't fool me. I'm not stupid! I've seen what you've done before! I clearly know the difference between normal and extraordinary!" Psyche yells at him, clearly not believing what Rayleigh was saying.

Rayleigh suddenly remembered that this world was different from the last. So no matter how hard he tries to convince Psyche, he won't believe him.

The pink haired boy couldn't help but cringe a little at how extraordinary Psyche found him.

Well, for Rayleigh, that word is too much.

This is too bad for Rayleigh. He wants to keep as low a profile as possible, afraid of attracting attention that might cause a butterfly effect on his future. Not only that, based on what he knew from the novel, it was rumored that Rayleigh's parents despised singers. He didn't really know why, but he guessed they might have had a bad history with one. Your family is super tough on people who love to sing.

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This is a death flag for Rayleigh. If Psyche spreads rumors about him, the news will reach her parents, then they'll find out and... THE END.

End of story, your life is over.

Despite having such thoughts, Rayleigh still maintains his calm demeanor. A moment later, he exhales to release his nervousness--- From Psyche's point of view, he thought Rayleigh was sighing.

Rayleigh scratched her pink hair to hide her fear and looked Psyche in the eyes. Psyche shudders at Rayleigh's cold stare, who doesn't even realize he's doing it.

The pink haired man was just tense, that's why his expression turned like that, but Psyche didn't seem to notice.

"Look, if you don't tell anyone, I'll give you money. Just name the price. If the money isn't enough, you can ask me for anything, I'll buy it for you." said Rayleigh. The only way he could think of is to bribe the blonde.

Psyche looks at him, stunned and confused.

He doesn't understand why Rayleigh would go to such lengths to hide it. He doesn't understand why he enrolled in this academy in the first place.

"What-- Just why the hell are you going to such lengths to hide it? Why did you come here in the first place?" he says madly, thinking what an ungrateful brat Rayleigh is to have so much talent.

"Your parents enrolled you here because they saw that you have so much potential. You are a spoiled, ungrateful brat who is just wasting money!" Psyche looks at him angrily.

"It's complicated. I have my reasons." Rayleigh responds bluntly.


Before Psyche can say more, Rayleigh speaks again.

"And to tell you the truth, my family doesn't know. Not a soul knows about this but you. So I'll tell you again, I'm not special. I'm just a normal brat with a rich family. Just like what everyone else world says." he tells him.

The blonde just stayed silent.

"Come on, you're a noble too. Of course you've heard a lot more about me and my family." Rayleigh looks at him.

Rayleigh really wants a low profile at all costs. He is very cautious when it comes to these things and he doesn't want to meet people like that. Seeing your would-be assassins is enough to give you a nightmare. Now that he's talking to one, he feels like he could melt right now in a moment.

As Psyche processed what Rayleigh had just said, he exclaimed.

"What? Nobody knows!?" he looks at it in shock.

At this point, Psyche truly believed what Rayleigh said about her family not knowing about it. He believed he was telling the truth because there are many logical reasons that could support this claim. Rayleigh didn't lie about that, it's the truth.

Rayleigh is really talented in his former life, but his voice doesn't reach the level of a professional. But you can't say his voice is average either. His voice is quite unique. Many people from his previous world admired how calming, emotional and angelic her voice was.

However, Psyche doesn't believe the part where Rayleigh says he's not talented. The blonde could clearly see the potential that exists in Rayleigh. Your voice is really unique, it's exceptional. It's very different from all the voices he's heard so far.

"I hear your family is struggling with money right now, so take the offer and shut up. Then pretend I don't exist after this." says Rayleigh.

Psyche was shocked to learn how he knew. He was sure no other nobles knew about it.

Psyche just looked at him curiously. Honestly, he doesn't want to make a deal with this bastard, but he needs the money to help his parents. So the blonde just clicks her tongue and accepts the offer.

What makes Psyche so curious is why Rayleigh goes to such great lengths to hide such a unique talent. Her voice could capture millions of people, Psyche just knows it. And he thinks it's a complete waste, a great waste. He has never heard such a voice, the voice was so unique that he has this urge to reveal his secret and let everyone witness Rayleigh's voice. But he shouldn't do that, otherwise he won't get the money.

"Fine. I'll accept your offer..." Psyche finally responds.

I'm curious....

Should I spy on him?....

Those were the thoughts that are on Psyche's mind right now...

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