Chapter 27: Preliminary Exams

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Warning: yucky eye stuff


"First off, for the second test, congratulations on passing!!" Anko yelled out as she observed everyone.

"There's so many people still left...whoa," Fei said as she looked around.

"Yeah...and all the leaf rookies are here." Sakura muttered.

"Wow!! Wow!! Old man Hokage, Iruka sensei, Kakashi sensei, and even super brows are here! It's like everyone is assembled," Naruto exclaimed.

"Heh, I can't say that I'm getting a good feeling..." Sasuke muttered as he covered his curse mark.

"Lord Hokage will now explain the third test! Listen carefully!" Anko shouted, "Now Lord Hokage, please."

"Yes. For the coming third test...but before I explain that...There is something I'd like you to know. It concerns the true reason for this exam. Why do we have all the alliance countries taking this exam together? 'To promote friendship among the countries.' To raise the level of shinobi.' I don't want you to be confused about the true meaning. This exam is..." he paused, "A placement for war among the allied countries."

Gasps and shock covered the faces of the exam takers.

"If you go back in time, the current allies were enemies who fought each other over who would rule. In order to prevent wasteful fighting, the stage that these countries chose for battle. That is the origins of this chuunin selection exam."

"Why the hell do we have to do that crap?! Isn't this thing for deciding who's a chuunin?!" Naruto yelled out. The Hokage continues to explain what is about to occur before it was being taken over by another examiner, Hayate, who didn't look so hot. He began to explain about the preliminaries, and how there was too many people that must be reduced before the third exam. He then allowed anyone to quit, two people raising their hands.

"I'm quitting..." one of Hibiki's teammates said. It was the boy, who nonchalantly announced his departure and the proctor noted him down.

"Umm, I'm going to quit," Kabuto announced

"Kabuto?!" Fei and Naruto yelled.

"Kabuto, why are you quitting?!" Naruto shouted.

"I'm sorry Naruto, but my body is all beat up. Actually, I haven't been able to hear out of my left ear from the time when I got attacked by the sound nin before the first test...and now we'll have to risk our lives...I just..." Kabuto answered, knitting his brow. He looked at the entire team, seeing Fei's expression dropping from her normally cheery face.

"Kabuto..." Fei murmured as she looked back at him. He blinked before grabbing her hand.

"I'll see you some other time..." he promised as he left, causing her to blush. She then got distracted as Sasuke's pain started again. As he turned, he smirked. Not only did he enjoy the empty promises, but the boiling rage he was causing for one of the other examinees: Hibiki.

'Kch! Damn you!' Hibiki thought as he contained his glare, but clenched his fist to the point of digging his nails deep into his palm, 'Stay away from her! Bastard!'

Sakura and Sasuke were arguing about him quitting. Sakura was crying, telling him her worries about the curse mark. Sasuke was glaring and telling her to be quiet. Fei held her tongue, knowing neither of them would quit. Sakura began to raise her hand, before Sasuke grabbed it roughly. Sasuke then talked about being an avenger, and the people he wanted to fight the most, one of them being Naruto. With that, the preliminaries began. Unfortunately, Sasuke's match was first. Everyone but the two fighters were to move up.

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