Chapter 4: Village

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Third Person POV

Fei was left to whimper in fear as the man stepped closer. Shuffling away from the hand was stopped by a tree. Any hopes of running were futile since her ankle was still hurt, and something told Fei that she wouldn't be able to outrun them. He almost got her when 2 figures came in. One kicked directly at his face while the other knocked the other two out by clashing their heads together.

'Oh! This can't be good. I need to get out of here,' she thought. She slowly got up, hoping that the people would be too preoccupied with the brawl they were in. She crouched and tried to get out of the way. She felt someone sigh behind her and grab her shoulder. She squeaked in fear and felt her eyes tear up. All she could do was crouched and raise her arms up to defend herself.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, I won't hurt you, I promise," he said. The other one was looking at the 3 knocked-out people. They had masks on, with animalistic features on them. One was wolf-like and the other was a mouse-like mask.

"W-who are you guys? And where am I?"

The two masked people looked at each other. They were confused by the question. How could you not know where you are, especially in a world like this? They stared at each other for a few more minutes before looking back at Fei. She was startled, she was confused, she just wanted to leave.

"Alright, but first we need to talk about yourself," the Mouse said.

'What do they mean by that?' she thought. And perhaps they could read her mind because the wolf proceeded to explain.

"I'm sorry about this. It might seem absurd, but in order to protect the place we live in, our village and people, we have to make sure you are not a threat or a spy,"

She was even more confused and upset. Fuck her situation, what do you mean by a threat?

"What kind of war zone is this in which a child would be a threat? How does that even make sense?! Do I look like a threat to you two?! You guys look like more of a threat than I could ever look! I almost got murdered by those three-wait and you guys have weird witchcraft powers, the hell came out of that person's hand? Why can't you just give me a phone and tell me where I am so I can call someone and get the fuck out of here?!" Angry tears come out of her eyes. All of this was confusing. Home, home is all she needed. This doesn't make sense, she doesn't understand. Why is this happening to her?

They sense her distress, and the wolf hesitates before pulling her into a comforting hug. It was tense, admittedly, but it was an attempt. Acknowledging said attempt, she relaxed a little, trembling. The mouse steps up.

"We're going to ask you a series of questions, understand?"

"Please. I don't wanna- Can I just? Can I please talk to someone that doesn't have a mask? That doesn't look so...intimidating?"

"What makes you thin-"

"Yeah! I know just the right person!" The Wolf interrupts the Mouse. The Mouse turns, and although she can't see the expression, she's sure he's not happy. She was right, too, cause he wasn't happy. He grabbed the Wolf by the arm and dragged him to the nearest tree.

"What are you thinking, Alpha?" he hissed. The other of the two tugged his arm back and looked at the other.

"Come on, Plague! This kid is no trouble. Look at her," they glanced back at the girl, who was obediently sitting and playing with her shirt. She was nervously chewing at her bottom lip, "Plus, who do you think would get the most out of her, the Hokage or us?"

"I swear if something happens, Alpha..."

"It won't, I swear!" With that, the Wolf ran back to the girl. She was more than happy to see him, the Mouse was too...strict and intimidating.

"Alright, you'll be coming with us to our village. You'll meet a nice old man and he'll help you out. But you have to stay close to me, got it?" he patted her head and offered a hand. She looked at him questionably. He sighed and patted her head again, "I promise there's no mask."

Another look, better than the last, though.

"No weapons"

Another one.

"No intimidation or big bad rat man!" the last statement reply resulted in a grunt afterward, he got kicked by the Mouse. He glared under his mask while the other smirked. He shook his head and offered his hand again. She took it whole-heartedly, smiling. She's finally been found at least. She grabbed everything she had, which was just the other pair of clothes she had, and followed the Wolf, grabbing his hand firmly.

"Where are we going...uh, sir?" The question was more directed to only the Wolf, she rather not get a witty response from the Mouse. Plus, why not get a response from the nice person she trusts so far. He lifted his mask, to reveal only his mouth, and smiled.

"Just call me Alpha, okay?" he smiled and pulled his mask back down, "As to where we are going...We're going to our village."

"Hmm? What's it like?" she pondered aloud.

It was a justified question, she thinks to herself, 'treat this as a vacation, like trips with your family. Except, there is no family with you or friends. You are in an unknown place, so find out what you can like as a tourist on an island.'

"Oh! You're gonna love it. It's got great people and plenty of kids for you to play with." He responded with glee. He seemed happy to talk about it, like a child getting a new toy or some candy. Cute. But play with? What does he mean by that? Guess that was too much to pick on, so she let it go.


"Whoa..!" She stared in awe. The gates to this place were huge! And the village itself was full of vibrant colors and people walking around, having good times. Everyone seemed to have smiles on their faces, or maybe it was just her seeing that. The happiness that filled her to be in a place with nice-looking people. Hell, it's euphoric! People! The people she was with nodded at each other. The Mouse went to talk to 2 men standing outside of the gate, explaining the situation of the girl they brought in. After a while, the three went in. They, or more like she, were receiving stares from the people. She gripped tighter at the hand she was holding, the crowd just staring was unnerving. He pulled her closer as if sensing her discomfort.

"We're almost there, just hold on," Alpha mumbled. She nodded. She looked up and saw a giant building, red with yellows and greens and a giant symbol, could be kanji, she thought. Head up the side stairs and go through the door. Once inside, they stand in front of double doors. They knock.

"Come in, you two," a soft but raspy voice said. The Mouse opened the door.

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