Chapter 33: Basics and A Showoff

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"Ma' this supposed to be this tiring? I thought you said it doesn't use up chakra!" Fei whined, panting with her hands on her knees. They have been training at Fei's water body for hours, midnight already present.

"It still uses up your stamina, and because yours is not finely polished, you get winded much more easily than average." The lady stated simply as she watched, her feet tucked under her legs, "Don't worry, we will work on this as we go on."

"Easy for you to say..." Fei grumbed, getting up.

"Don't be embarrassed. It's feedback about your condition. As we continue, you will surely improve. Have faith, dearest," the lady chuckled as she looked at Fei, "Now, let us try again."

"Right," Fei positioned herself once more, hands on her sides with a straight posture, "Here we go..."

"That's right. Get into position and close your eyes. Now, imagine every part of yourself, and locate where those parts are. Then, concentrate them into one singular part, feel the sensation of that flow moving through your arms, legs, body...that is you...Bring it to your head, dear," Fei relaxed as she followed the instructions, a glowing droplet in the center of her mind. She shifted her position from stiff and tense to relaxed, placing her hands against her chest, "Good. Now, move towards your chest, right at the very core of your chest. Feel it move from your head, flow down your neck, and right into your chest." Fei felt her chest begin to feel funny, as if the sensation of sloshing water were inside. She grimaced a bit, not used to the feeling.

The sensation was hard to describe. A cool, but not unwelcome, movement of water was located in the middle of her chest. The cool liquid felt like it touched her lungs and heart, making her shudder and her breath feel cold and rapid. Even so, it never actually touched anything, just sat. The liquid did feel like it was a part of her, cool but relaxing as if she were floating in a pool, the gentle ripples of the water swaying. Still, it wasn't comfortable at all because it was inside her body.

"It's okay, don't be afraid of that sensation. Concentrate on that part of you and don't lose focus. Hold it...good. Now, for the final step. Take a deep breath, and let go of everything."

"Let...let go of everything?" Fei asked as she held on for dear life.

" become the water being you are seeking to become, you must learn to be as still as the calmest water. Now, take a deep breath, and upon release, let it all go."

Fei stuttered a bit before relaxing once more. She took a deep breath, and upon releasing it, she felt the sensation that she accumulated in her chest begin to move towards every inch of her body, rushing to cover everything it could. When it finally stopped moving, she opened her eyes.

"What happened?" Fei looked at her hands, only to see them transparent, with a faint glow in the water making them up, "Whoa! WHOA! I did it!!"

"Well done!" the lady clapped, showing her a closed-eyed smile. Fei jumped up and down, feeling boneless and free. She began playing with her water form, turning herself into a puddle, swimming around, and hopping from one puddle to the next. It was a new experience and she couldn't get enough of it. However, she was tired, so the excitement slowly died down into exhaustion as she collapsed, sitting on the floor.

"This is so cool, but how do I turn back?" Fei asked as she panted.

"Simply imagine the process in reverse. Close your eyes, gather the sensation towards your chest, and once you've done that, move it towards your head. Once you've done that, let the droplet disperse and disappear..." The lady said as she smiled. Once Fei turned back to her normal self, she smiled at the lady.

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