-Messing Around-

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"You know, we shouldn't be meeting like this." The voice that annoyed Johanna said.

"You shouldn't even be here 2!" Johanna pointed at 2's mentor accusingly since the woman wouldn't buy her weakling act, she just smiled at her.

"I have a name little sheep, use it." She said, amused, smoking in side the building, something she saw the much older mentor of 10 be told off for while this woman was let do all she wanted it seemed, helps to be loved by the Capitol.

Johanna found her annoying even after one meeting on the roof, what person pushes another off a ledge and acts cocky about it? She hated all those that the Capitol loved, bathed in riches, all she wanted to do is to win and be forgotten, be back with her family and live calmly.

"How'd I know your name?"

"Touché." She pointed at the tribute. "And I have the right to be here, it is you that are lost, this is the mentor floor."

Johanna blushed in anger and embarrassment making the mentor laugh and crush out her half finished smoke on the wall before pocketing it.

"Don't laugh at me."

"Come on little sheep, lets get you back too your adult." 2 said, this woman, she was making Johanna's blood boil.

"I am not a sheep!"

"Ah ah ah." 2 shook her finger in front of Johanna's face, making her back up as she made a motion to claw at her with a laugh. "Don't play with bigger beasts then you are, that skin might hide a wolf but I am a tiger and I am not above showing you why, the Capitol can fix up your face if disfigured." That last was a warning even as the woman kept grinning.

Johanna had no trouble thinking about those pretty looking metal claws covered in blood, heck, she had no trouble imagining them being covered in her own blood.

2 was always dangerous after, the most dangerous of all careers as even peacekeepers came from 2, the district was a military force of its own compared too the other two carrier district of 1 and 4.

"Come on little sheep, the gamemakers will not be happy to find you here." Johanna shook her head and quickly caught up with the woman who had been walking away without waiting for her.

She quietly followed, staring holes in the back of her head.

"Why you staring at me like that little sheep?"

"You told your tributes."

"I told you, I was interested in seeing the tricks  you'd pull, plus they are not idiots, I'll let them figure it out on their own. We are from 2 little sheep, we trained all our lives for this."

"Yeah." Johanna said bitterly. "We see that in the winning percentages."

"We sure do." 2 stopped and Johanna stopped walking right next too her, standing in front of an elevator.

Johanna watched her swipe the ID card she saw Blight also have, it called the elevator too them, both getting in.

It felt suffocating to be so close too the victor of 2, making Johanna feel fidgety, can't this damned elevator start moving already?

"And the question about the name." She looked up to see the victor already looking at her with a grin taking out the smashed smoke and lighting it again. "Athena Hadley, 66th's victor." She said while taking a puff of the cancer stick.

"Why would I care?"

"I don't know, I know yours and you don't know mine, I thought we were having a nice chat."

"As if, stop trying to throw me off my game, you will not succeed."

"I am not, just entertaining myself."

2 was infuriating 7.

The victor was more then sure Johanna would jump at her throat if it wasn't for the elevator door opening.

"There." 2 said. "This is your floor."

Johanna grumbled as she stepped out.

"And don't let the door hit you."

7 lifted a brow as she turned only to be smacked by the closing elevator door because she turned.

"You fucker!" She hit her fist against the glass as 2 laughed while the elevator moved on.

"Lovely to see you." 2 said through a chuckle.

Johanna fumed silently before turning away with a sigh.... Somehow, looking forwards too their next run in but she wouldn't admit it too herself, not even aware of it, she just thought she was pissed at her.

Athena found it strangely entertaining to mess with with 7's tribute since she was making it so easy.

She let the elevator head too the 2's quarters, losing the smile as she stepped out, seeing a familiar Capitol worker waiting for her there.

"You are being asked for."

"Lead the way." She simply said, following him back out.

Despite it all, her life as the Capitol's sweetheart never stopped and never will stop.


And despite it all.

Athena found herself on the edge of tears as she stared off at the streets bellow from her escape on the roof.

The nightmares of her life are never over, awake or sleeping, hands of hundreds on her body, blood of eleven on her hands.
In the land of the living, bruises hidden on her aching body, another added secret too her arsenal of them, smoke and memories, in the land of the dreaming, memories, nightmares and pain.... There was no escaping it.

"All for Cato." She said after a deep breath. "All for Cato...."

She stared down, finding morbidly amusing.

"Ah." She breathed out. "Just like me." But it was not before but after the games she tried to throw herself off a rooftop.

The only moment she didn't care for Cato, just wanting to end it all.

She found it so oddly familiar, that girl from 7 wanting to be in control of her own death.

It just pissed Athena off for some reason.

She shook her head, looking off too the side and stared at the setting sun instead.

She wished for nothing more then for this all to end.

The smoke felt like cinders in her hands, burning her while she hadn't even lit it, it still felt like it was burning through her skin and flesh while it was metal that was touching it.... This or alcoholism, her only ways to speed up her death, to drown out her pain, to forget.

But she had an image to uphold, so alcohol was out of the question, all for Cato, all for her little brother, he deserved to be safe after her mistake took their parents.

Athena wanted to cry, so badly, but she didn't let them, she needs to keep it together, she needs too, for him, for herself.

"I really wish you'd die." She said, referring to every single tributes in this building, the 24 of them. "Being a victor is..." She dropped her head. "Not worth it."

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now