-Cato Hadley-

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He always loved his sister.

He was always amazed by her strength and prowess.

He was so proud to call the Reaper his family.

But was she ever feeling like this? Like nothing mattered? Like you killed for nothing? That you'd be dead even if you won? That you'd be an empty husk of yourself?

Well.... He would never get the chance to ask her, not even that, he'd never have the chance to see her again.

As the arrow pierced the only unprotected part of his body, his hand, he almost found irony in it that his sister's hands would have been the only things protected if she was in his place.

Screaming out in pain, yanking his hand away... He just wanted his sister to save him... But she'd never come.

Peeta heaved him up, lifting him over his head moments after he was shot and threw with all his strength.

Cato felt the impact with the metal of the cornucopia on his neck and upper back before he bounced off it and landed in the grass with a loud thud.

He scrambled to his feet as the mutts growled at him.

He pulled the dagger out, holding it up as he backed slowly to a discarded sword.

"Come at me!" He yelled, tempting the unchanging fate of his. "I will not go down without a fight!"

That spurred the mutts into action.

The first into a lung but Cato stabbed the dagger, in a reverse grip, through the skull of it, the body falling over in a twitching, gurgling, heap of flesh.

He dove for the discarded sword, breaking the arrow out of his hand as he swung back, dissecting the maw of another off of the body, making it impossible for it to bite.

He wanted to cry, like a little child, hoping his sister would come and dry it off but nothing was left to do but to fight.

He needed to fight.

If he somehow wins this now 20 against 1 fight, he can kill those 12s and survive with the supplies still left around since not everything blown up was unusable.

Kill... Has this word ever tasted so bitter too his sister as it tasted too him now? Has she ever felt this? He couldn't tell, he only remembers her as smiling, loving.

And he won't take that from her!

A painful slash cut through his already bleeding arm, making the flesh split and spray blood as he sliced back, cutting off the mutt's arm.

He's going home!!


Athena watched in frozen terror.

She watched those disgusting pigs from 12 watch Cato fight for his life in an unfair battle, swinging his sword with might against the mutts, cutting down a few but never enough.

First it was a minute, then two, then five and ten, soon followed twenty and then thirty.

Cato fought for his life with his fleeting energy for a whole hour before the mutts breached his defenses as the bastards of 12 just sat in safety and didn't even have the dignity to spare him the agony of an unwinnable battle.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now