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(Fun fact: What will happen to Athena requires its own trigger warning as I am really pulling from the depths of human evil for what I planned so lets say, as we all know what jabberjays do, that they are the least of the things that will be done to her.)

Athena sighed too herself.

Many of the supplies had been flung into the water and she couldn't find another same grade gauntlet, she only found a glove version of it, only covering her hand and fingers, not her forearm so she only had that protection for her left arm, she'll deal with it but it was annoying.

"So many are still alive." Peeta complained since that meant more killing for everyone.

"None of the other careers are gone either." Johanna added, a kindred spirit in the hate for these games lasting even as long as they did.

"Even so." Athena said, looking at the water instead of looking dumbly at the sand in the little circle they all created, at least this way she had a view. "We careers are not stupid, they know they are outnumbered and that I am here, I trained like they did, I doubt they'll attack us because of those factors tho Brutus might."

"Why?" Katniss pipped up.

"Oh because he is my district partner from 2 of course, he must hate my gut currently but they should have known from my own games that I don't do well with sticking with the other careers."

"Plus we are safe from most events here on the beach and if they ever attack we'd see them coming."

"So we sit?" Wiress meekly asked, sitting as she hugged her knees, Mags gently holding her shoulders.

"So what now? We sit like Nuts says or do we hunt 'em down?" Johanna said, holding her axe up.

No reply came since something cut them all off.

"KATNISS!!!" The sound of a young girl in agony came from the forest. "HELP ME!!!"

"PRIM!!!" The young girl scream, scrambling to her feet in pressing panic, running into the forest.

"Stay with them!" Athena called too Johanna as Finnick had already took off after the girl, only she'd remain that could actually fight if the others careers did come, knowing she was fast and could catch up too the girl and her friend.

"Thea no!" Johanna called but the other victor was already off after the other two, following the terrified screams of the child.

"Katniss wait!" Finnick chased after her.

"Fish-brains wait up!" Athena called, vaulting over a rock formation instead of rounding it, this guy for so focused in keeping her safe for whatever rebellion that he forgot himself.

The girl kept screaming, pulling all them deeper into the forest as they all tried to keep tempo with the terror urged speed of an elder sister.

Suddenly the screaming cut off as they caught up too Katniss.

"What the hell were you doing Everdeen!" Athena grabbed her arm, screaming at her. "Do you have a death wish?!"

"B-but I heard..." Katniss said, looking shakily at the bird she killed with an arrow.

"Katniss!" Finnick caught up as Katniss shoved away from Athena, leaving the victor from 2 annoyed "You okay?"

"She didn't think at all." Athena shook her head, dragging Katniss back towards the shore.

"Finnick!" Another woman's voice shrieked. "Finnick!"

"No! It's not her." Katniss yelled at him, having understood what it was.

"Finnick!" Athena yelled, in a few strides catching up too him and stopping him.

"Annie!" He screamed, looking around frantically and even Athena couldn't understand how they got Annie into the arena.

"Finnick! It's not her." Katniss yelled. "It's just a jabberjay, it's not her." Athena didn't know what jabberjays were but they were horrible little beast if they make these sounds.


"Cato!!" All sense of logic thrown out of the metaphorical window as her brother sounded terrified and in pain, letting go of Finnick and running Katniss over. "Where are you?!" She looked around frantically before the scream from behind her.

"Cato?" Even Finnick looked around, he hadn't met the boy like Johanna but heard of him and saw the 74th.

"Athena! Finnick stop!" Katniss yelled. "These are jabberjays!" She insisted again.

"How do you think they got that sound Katniss?" He grabbed her shoulders, shaking her a little. "Jabberjays don't make up words and voices, jabberjays copy." He said.

"Help!" The little girl shrieked again in an ear bleeding scream.

"Athy!" It was a dagger to the heart, Athena dropped down too a knee as her legs weakened, staring into the canopy with wide eyes.

"Go! Go! Go!" Finnick yelled as he pulled his friend up too her feet, pulling her after him as he ran after Katniss.

A dark cloud of birds swooped down, screaming into their ears, Athena having a hard time wrapping her head around it all the screams.

But running didn't save them from their fate, it didn't save her from Cato begging for her to save him.

She saw Katniss run face first into the invisible wall that came up around the wedges for each event hour, the girl having impact it so hard that it sent the arrows scattering around as she fell over.

Finnick let go of her, sinking too his knees and staring at the sky through the leaves.

Through the wall Peeta tried to talk to Katniss who started to scream, Mags looking pained with her hands on the walls, Wiress mouth agape before she covered it and Johanna, despite it failing, trying to get Athena attention.

"Fucking look at me!" But nothing worked.

Athena had even turned her back them, staring at the birds before swinging up, bloody chunks splattering on the ground and in her face.

Then came the second swing at the mass of screaming birds.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now