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(fun fact: I love to draw but my art style is more anime-like, simple lines and blocky shading and such.... I just wanted to share that Athena's hair is refusing to cooperate with my style and that she doesn't look anything like I wanted her to look like but I gave up and you are getting whatever you are getting..... Here's the sketch for now.)


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She messed up?

She messed up so badly that all Snow could do was facepalm.... Which is saying something.

The best thing is, what did she do? Nothing much actually.... Just gave her life's best feeling uppercut in Brion's smug mug at the tribute interviews on live TV.

It was just so out of her rang of emotions shown too the Capitol that even the dear president was at a loss when faced with the consequences and subsequent 'How to repair this?' actions.

And he had come up with something Athena found particularly bad.

It wouldn't hurt her if she is lucky, but if she is lucky, Brion wouldn't be.

Snow had succeeded in spinning this incident in such a way that both victors would 'happily' display their skills to boost the morals of the Capitol with pre-games match since they were 'training' for it.

"Show him who's boss!" Her tribute chuckled, everyone so hyped to see two victors 'offer up' for entertainment and to have a 'friendly' match up... Honestly she thought it was one of the worst things Snow did.

Sure he tortured her, branded her, sold her.... But this was asking her to get back too her arena, too her memories, once again fighting to survive as she knows Brion will not play around. That night, that man, she didn't worry about her life.... Here? Snow be damned.

"I must." She said, finishing pulling the straps tight.

She was wearing some exquisite weaponry she must say.

These were not some simple gloves with foldable claws on them or her pretty little Capitol gloves, it was a matte black colored thing, she had no trouble articulating her hands despite them being completely covered in metal that tapered into claws, this hand potion connected too an inbuilt forearm bracer of the same material with it becoming pointy at the elbow, so her whole forearms and hands were protected and could be used as weapons.

For once the deadly weapons they were meant to be.

"Now, get back to the seats and let me show you how an interview should be done." She said, standing, having previously been sitting and watching her arms, flexing them in the softly padded inside of these deadly gauntlets.

She took a breath, not really listening in, only stepping up with her smile when she heard her name called.

That usual smile plastered on her face as she waved with both hands at the crowd that cheered and bringing a hand too her mouth, sending off a kiss in the air, all while making her way to sit in the chair she oh so hated.

"Long time not seen Caesar." She said, leaning into the chair, legs crossed, head held up with her hand. "I'd shake your hand but well, I wouldn't think you'd enjoy this as much as I would." Flexing her, armored and armed at the same time, hand, the matte finish on it still almost twinkling under the spotlights.

"Oh yes do keep your hands for yourself." Caesar Flickerman laughed, hand on his chest. "But Athena, could you explain to us what we saw?" She didn't needed to look to know a video clip of her magnificent punch was played.

"You really wanna know dear? Wouldn't a mystery be better?"

"Oh come on, we are dying to know!"

"If you insist so, I might say."


"I suppose we have a little rivalry, I find my tribute much better then his, he is biased that his son should win, but have you seen Fiola? Her mastery on her weapons? She'll be the winner that's for sure."

"Ooooh, people are you hearing this? There is favoritism between the tributes of 2." There were a few 'Ah' and 'Oh's heard from the crowd. "So you were fighting?"

"Oh no, you didn't see well dear, you see you've video doesn't show the important part, he also hit me." She made a fist and gave herself a little knock to the chin as she lied. "It seems I was just a bit stronger."

"Oh, comparing strengths?"

"Exactly, how else would we do that? We are from 2 after all!" She laughed as if it was a joke and everyone followed suit but their laughs were from genuine amusement.

"Ah, you careers never fail to amuse us." Caesar said. "And I can't help but notice the new touch."

"Wanna feel it?" She held her arm out to him and he touched.

"Wow that's some great craftsmanship."

"Right? President Snow graciously organised this interview, it would be quite sad to have you all think we were fighting. Wouldn't it be?" The crowd pipped up in agreement. "Plus, with his help, we'll settle this little quarrel for you, starting this hunger games correctly!" She threw her hand up, claws flexed. "Putting this behind us with a show of strength!"

The crowd cheered, they'd get to see blood before the time came.

And despite it all.

Athena didn't regret that uppercut.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now