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Athena stared blankly ahead.

Cato, her mother, her father, Jackson, Brion, Castor, Finn-- Everyone, everyone dying because of her.

Because she couldn't protect them.

Because she failed at her role.

"Thea." She didn't react much as Johanna looked at her with a frown. "I'm sorry." She hugged her.

Finnick.... She lost Finnick.

The only person to know what exactly she went through, how her body was used.

The only person to have gone out of their ways to become her friend and not leave her alone and feared by the other victors.

The only person that has consistently been here for her in her life in this cruel hell.

The only person to call her Kitten and not perish for the nickname.


The only person she could have called her best friend.

And now he was gone.


All because Athena failed.

She took him from herself, from Mags, from Annie.... She took him from Annie.

She sucked in a breath, tears boiling up.

She took him away from Annie, she'll never see him, Athena made sure of that.

Slowly but surely, she covered her face, crying into them, uncaring if she was heard.

"I made it up." Katniss' voice sliced through the heavy atmosphere, sounding like she wanted to cry.
Wanting to shrink away from the gazes on her. "All of it....There is no special mission from Coin. There's only my plan.... Everyone that's dead is dead because of me....I lied."

Athena wanted to be angry, be pissed, scream, tear a hole into the girl and yet.... She couldn't.

"We know." Cresida sighed out.

Because she too knew and still went along, she knew it was a lie and didn't stop her.

Katniss looked at the film woman in mounting shock.

"We all knew." Cresida added, waving at them all.

"The soldiers from 13?" Katniss asked.

"They did, too....Do you really believe that Jackson thought you had orders from Coin? She trusted Boggs and he clearly wanted you to go on." She said, stabbing another dagger through Athena... If only she had not fought with her, maybe she could have climbed through the tunnel too, she was the reason she died, she once again failed.

"I never meant for this to happen. I failed. I...I killed them. I killed Finnick and I'm sorry, Pollux. I'm so sorry." 

Athena lifted her head up, not pulling from the hug but Johanna shifting her hold, pressing her head against her stomach as she was still standing unlike the victor from 2.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now