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(Honest question here guys... What should I do with Gale??? Like in the canon ending of the hg, he becomes like head peacekeeper in district 2 and Athena really can't bare him.)

She stomped her foot, trying to scare the beast away.

"He likes you." Prim laughed as the usually hissy orange cat of hers was driving the victor of 2 up a wall.

First and foremost, Athena woke up with cat hair in her nose, the never before seen cat just being all comfy-ly shoved up between Johanna and her.

Next the asshole cat had jumped up on the chew halls table and propped itself up on her head without asking her for her opinion about it.

Athena was more then sure that she hadn't ran into a catnip bush down here in 13 so she was at a lost when the next thing to come up was this stupid cat stealing her left sock and running away with it.

He likes her? Well she didn't like Buttercup at all.

"Usually he only likes me, he hisses at Katniss." Athena nodded, at least they agree on that, hissing at Katniss is good tho she believed the cat wished that Katniss was as scared of him as she was scared of Athena.

She added a shrug and stretched, being on a little check up with the doc and Prim came along since she wouldn't be a medical professional that risked getting mauled by a feral woman.

"Well you are quite cat like." The young girl said, making Athena lift a brow. "I mean like elegant, sly, scratchy, mysterious."

She laughed a bit, scratchy... That's a way of saying it.

"Maybe that's why he likes you?" The spoken about cat sitting on the bed next to her so that Athena could see that he was ignoring her.

Another shrug, maybe, she might say she hates him but in the end she didn't, he was just annoying.

But she had her own theory, animals are much more intelligent then humans, they understand things they their masters don't.

She would bet that this cat understood that she'd protect all with her life, that she'd protect Prim if needed, and so the fake two legged feline somehow made a dark pact with the tiny four pawed feline.

She reached out, petting him with a smile as he kept ignoring her.


Athena sat alone in the room with Cato.... Well... The mutt of Cato.

She refused to abandon her brother again, she could keep him safe this time.

But this was not her brother.

The mutt sat in the corner, empty, withering away, starving and yet not alive, drooling a puddle underneath it as it remained slumped and already dead.

Nothing but a puppet.

But it was all that remained off him.

Athena stood.

And yet she can never be selfish.

This is a life of suffering even if it doesn't realize it, suffering by being nothing but a copy that she forces to live on.

She crouched down in front of it, looking in the lifeless eyes that were so relaxed they looked in slightly different directions, this was like being stuck in one's body and being unable to do anything but wish for death as the world spins on around oneself... Athena would know, having felt it before.

She hugged the mutt around the neck with her arms, eyes closed, he deserves to rest and to stop suffering because she can't let go, she'll never be able to move on but... She is no monster.

She pushed up her shoulder pulled down on her arms, letting go after the snap and watching the furry body lay out at her feet, the drooling stopping, the eyes rolling back, a last twitch as the life left the body.

She looked at it with tear gathering and pooling out of her eyes, once again, she was the killer of her brother and this time... For good.


"W-H-A-T     I-S     T-H-I-S" Athena wasn't the best at signing but she was working it out, tho for now she was spelling out everything letter by letter even if there were simple signs for whole sentences sometimes, it would take a while.

She wanted to be alone after what she had done, she went too the training room, trying to work out how her fingers would work in a fight and getting on well, having sliced up two mannequins, on the third currently.

"Don't tell me you have gone blind." Finnick said, slightly offending her as he smiled, not looking at her ticking eyebrow but at what looked like a ball of soot in his palm.

She looked too, noticing the two triangles on the little black ball before the void stared back at her.


"Yes, a little cat." Finnick was too learning the language of signs, to Johanna's growing dismay, he was picking it up the fastest.


"Because you seem lonely and even if you won't admit it, that orange devil makes you happy."

Finnick grabbed and lifted her hand before putting the kitten on her palm, the minuscule thing just about not trembling in fear as it looked at her when she lifted her hand to her face.

"W-H-Y     T-H-O"

"As much as this is your flaw, you nurture, protect and take under your wing, when I went out to fish to have some fresh food for once I found it alone and shaking in cold, I thought that you could look after it."

She watched the little ball of void stretch out, a big stretch but usually cats show their claws while doing thi--.

Her eyes barely but they widened, a declawed kitten.... That was a human choice... Mutilating an animal just because it scratched them...

She scoffed out a smile as she looked at it, flicking her claws out on her other free hand.

She compared her clawed hand to the now known clawless mini paw.

And she started to laugh, laugh despite the tear sliding down her face, laughing at the irony of this cruel world.

Finnick thought right.

She'd protect this little life too.

She'll be its claws just like she has been the claws of everyone else too.

Athena will shred anyone touching to those she is protecting.

And she'd laugh about it.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now