-Victory Tour-

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There was something different about 7 and she could tell what.

Athena, since one her of tributes had no family, was filling in on their podium, their image showed on a screen behind her.

It looked like the young victor had not slept in days and she probably hadn't, seeming sluggish and slow.

Just like how Athena was when her outburst against prostitution came with the loss of her parents.

She wasn't even listening too the useless speech the victor was made to repeat, she could tell.... Johanna Mason fucked up and Snow did something.

She didn't know what, news can't travel between districts like that and when they do it is not that fast but she recognized that face anywhere.

Noticing the speech was over, she hopped off the podium, Cato waiting for her at the foot of it.

"Can we go train now Athy?" He was really excited, for some reason his sister started training him and he was hyped, wanting to learn all he could from her.

"Not now Munchkin, I got something to do."

"Oh come on." He complained as she grabbed his hand, despite all the training, all the tussle, she could feel just how soft they were even through her gloves, her own having callouses from years of training and working in the stone mines before being chosen for the games.

"We'll train later." She promised. "Just come on."


"Yes and you will too." She warned. "Don't underestimate them." Before switching topic. "Anyhow, that was some impressive technique for having seen it only once." She flexed her claws as if she grabbed something an yanked.

Johanna felt lost, realizing just how correct the victor from 2 was.

She had been so shocked and angry when Snow explained too her that people in the Capitol loved her despite the lies she fed them, how they wanted to share their bed with her.

It mad her feel sick, she had slammed the door in his face..... That same day, her family was branded rebels and executed in front of her eyes, leaving only her little sister.

But it seemed like she didn't learn, having lashed out in anger at the injustice, taking a second warning and causing the end of her last family member before she realized what was going on.

And now she was alone, forced to play this Capitol game, the games were not over and never will be she understood, now that she was a victor they would go on and on.

"You look distracted."

She picked her head up, for a moment not recognizing the woman speaking too her.

"Athena?" She asked, surprised with herself that she remembered the woman's name.

She looked so.... Plain....

Without the makeup to make her look older, without the provocative outfit, without the metal chains and claws.

She looked so much more like her age, having a few freckles that had been covered with foundation before, hair still same style but messier, a black hoodie haphazardly thrown over her shoulder, half sliding off and revealing the shoulder and coll of the dark, almost brown, orange T-shirt, some blue pants with holes torn into them, fraying at the knees and the bottom, half stuffed into some work boots that was badly laced, one of them even was undone, those gloved looked leather but Johanna could tell they were weapons, more claws once again.

She was holding the hand of a smaller boy, his head reaching her mid-stomach height, he was blond compared too her black hair and blue eyes instead of the deep greens.

"Flattering you remember me little wolf." Athena said with a normal looking smile, nothing of her usual smugness.

Johanna felt jealous, angry and filled with hate, seeing the victor with what was probably her sibling while she just lost hers and couldn't even go see them in a cemetery, the peacekeepers having taken the bodies of the 'traitors' to be burnt away and forgotten.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well this is my district." She shrugged. "Plus I am a victor, I know how this goes, being on a victory tour, showing up, reading cards, tying links you don't want to tie with other victors, the whole shebang that goes on, how Blight and you will be lodged between four cold walls in the town hall because the night is falling on Panem."

"Where are you getting at?"

"All I am saying, I have rooms, I promise it would be much better then to sleep in the dusty room that smells like death's asscrack." That made Cato laugh, both girls looking at him.

"Come on! Lets go!" He pulled on his sister's arm.

"A moment Munchkin." She said, grabbing a note off the mayor's desk, scribbling down an address and pressing it in Johanna's hands. "If you wonder where to find me and the victor village."

"I don't need this." The younger victor said.

"You do you, but just keep it in mind little wolf." Athena winked, letting Cato drag her away.

"What was that for?" Cato asked when they were far enough.

"Just talking too a friend." She didn't wish to explain, her back still aching, her heart still hurting and yet he'd never know about this all.


"NO!!!" Cato yelled tho it was followed by a laughed, tackled too the ground by his sister.

"Tickles!" Athena laughed as her brother did, trying to push her hands away. "I am still stronger then you Munchkin, you can't win against me." She stopped and hugged him, squishing him in her arms as she laid on the ground.

"Stop it! Ew!" He complained through giggles as she, on purpose, licked his face instead of a kiss, he quickly wiped it in his sleeve.

She stopped laughing, hugging him, still both on the ground in the front garden of their victor home.

"Cato." She said softly. "You know I love you right?"

"Yeah yeah you always say that."

"And I truly mean it Munchkin.... If you ever get reaped, promise to come back too me, you'll be a strong boy, don't let others trick you, never trust them fully or they will turn on you."

"Of course I will win! You are training me, how could I ever lose too someone when you are helping me? Now let go, its cold." She couldn't feel it because of her layers of clothes.

"I'll train you damned well, no one will be able to stop you." She smiled.

"Hehe now let me go!" He shoved out off her arms and ran off laughing.

"Oh no you come back here!" She got too her feet with a smile before it dropped, seeing them.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now