-''I'll be''-

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Crimson... Oh how she'd come to hate that color soon enough.

Athena looked at the white walls, weakly flicking the puddle of red, flicking droplets on the vertical surface, wanting to paint it all red but the cold made the warm blood steam against the ground, solidify and dry rapidly.

All felt sore and numb in the best places, she couldn't tell if she had broken bones or not since all the feelings were blending into one, all she knew is that she was on the ground, black and blue, unable to move a muscle.

For once the cold of this room was a welcome despite the constant nightmares that kept her awake because of it if it wasn't for the shivering that chased the tears away.

Oh how she hated the sound of a door opening.

"Get up Hadley." The voice came. "You have the choice to come easily or the hard way."


She hated having a choice.

Once wishing for freedom, three? Four? Or even more days of it made her regret ever wishing for it, all she wanted is someone else to make the choices finally... That way she wouldn't be to blame for what happened too others...

She pushed on her arms, feeling her elbows shake as she sat up, pulling up the T-shirt from the bloody ground, tearing it off the ground it froze too.

"Hurry up, or your little friends will need to be hurt again."

This control is bullshit, she doesn't want it! She wanted to be master of her own life! Not that of others! She was going mad with Peeta's screams, she was going mad with her own screams, why couldn't they all just be dead?!

She dragged her feet underneath her and stood with the strength of the wall holding her up. She must listen, she needs to listen, she need to be the little Capitol sweetheart again, that will save them, that will protect them, she must protect them, she can't fail them.

"Good girl." The hair on the back of her head stood up in a shiver of disgust but she gritted her teeth, this will protect them, she will not fail another, she will protect them.

She pushed off the wall with a deep breath.


"Katniss Everdeen has consented to be the face of our cause to help unite the districts against the Capitol. In exchange, I have promised several concessions. First, we'll assess all opportunities for the extraction of the victors held hostage in the Capitol. Once freed, they will be granted full pardon for any and all crimes committed against the rebel cause."

That was the only good news in 13.

Sure Johanna got to laugh at Katniss doing a shitty job at acting for a propaganda shoot and they tried to have her come along for a filming session in what was left of 12 but she turned it down, they ended up taking Mags for the 'sad old lady looking at death' shot they wanted to make which was a bit ghastly. 

"How do you think they are doing?" Johanna asked Finnick who was sitting with her in the mostly empty chow hall, only a few little groups around.

He was tying and untying a length of rope in all the different ways he knew, mind swimming but hands working.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now