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Katniss Everdeen.... 11

That number.


She couldn't get out of her mind.

She was right, she was so right.

She was correct, 12 was a threat this year, having beaten out Clove's and Cato's own good score.

"Be strong Munchkin." She kissed his forehead, holding his cheeks in her hands so tight before backing away. "I'll wait for you."

"See you later Athy." He said, smiling at her, still his ever confident self. "I can't lose, you trained me all too well."

"If you miss me I'll always watch over you." She lifted the matching pair of necklaces they had.

"Of course."

"Tribute, into your tube." A peacekeeper said, she glared at him but she knew there was no way to delay it any more.

"Careful." She squeezed his hands as he stepped back into the tubes.


She took a deep breath as he went up with a last wave she barely had the time to echo before he was gone from view.

With another deep breath, she looked at the little screen that lowered to watch the initial bloodbath from this room.

Cold sweat beaded on her forehead as the arena was displayed as a forest environment, not the best of starts, Cato didn't really know how to climb trees.

The count down was so loud, it was as if the gamemakers were trying to deafen her with it.

A hand clasped around the little pendant she had as the characteristic canon shot signalling the start was blasted high and loud.

The first splatter of blood froze hers in her veins, the bloodbath was without mercy and with no pity.

"Shit." She breathed out, Clove almost having had the 12's girl she was so worried about but a lucky impact with a boy lead him to be stabbed and the next throw was blocked with the bag before she ran into the forest.

"Bloodbath is over Hadley, leave the perimeter."

She glanced one last time at the screen as the careers joined up to look around the cornucopia, to judge what supplies were left for them as the body of many littered the surroundings.


Athena usually watched the games in the victors' lounge with the others, with snide remarks too them.

But right now, she couldn't bare having anyone around, watching the screen with hawk eyes in the quarters and in her room to be away from Julian and his annoying personality.

She laid in bed but intensely was staring at the screen hanging up on the ceiling.

A stupid girl had made a fire, Marvel, the boy of 1, finding her and the careers making a chase game out of killing her.

She wasn't happy, it was horrible, a horribly painful way to die, but as long as Clove and Cato are happy doing so, she will be happy, she just hopes that none of them will ever come too the realization she had and they'll always idolize the games to save them from the mental anguish they cause too those aware of them.

Cato was as brutal as she was in her own games, three deaths, two from the bloodbath and one from the hunt that followed, were under his belt and two of those he had killed with his bare hands, one had been grabbing a girl's head and slamming it on the side of a supply crate and the other was twisting the head of a boy.... Athena hoped he wouldn't go personal like she needed too but well, she hoped for nothing.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now