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Katniss woke up in a panic.

She thought.... She...

"PRIM!!!" She screamed as her nurses tried to stop her. "PRIM!!!" She screamed so loud.

Only stopping when her sister entered the room in a sprint.

"Prim?" She asked, despite it all she had seen her and then the bombs dropped.

"Hi Katniss." She said, the young girl wearing an arm in a sling and limping when she joined Katniss, thick layers of bandages around her head and neck.

"Prim..." She touched her face. "How..."

"Athena." Prim said. "I don't know how or why but she was there." She lifted the T-shirt she wore and showed Katniss the huge bruise on her side with healing marks of what looked like a clawed hand grabbing her hips. "She grabbed me and yanked me out of the blast, well not entirely or I wouldn't be hurt but if she hadn't I would have died."

Yeah, Katniss knew that, she knew that all too well, and she thought she had indeed lost her sister.

And that hurt.

She was happy, grateful, that Prim was alive.

But it had been Athena that saved her sister.

It was the woman who's little brother she let suffer and killed that saved her own little sister.

It felt like a gut punch.

Eye of an eye? No, Athena wouldn't let it happen... Katniss took her brother away but she wouldn't let anything take Katniss' sister away.

Katniss could never be more grateful then she was for Athena's acts.


Athena sat outside the mansion on the stone railing, not bothered by the snow fall.

She had thrown Prim under her, breaking her arm in consequence but also covering her body with hers at the blast.

She will hate Katniss until the day that she dies.... But she can't let another feel the same pain as she had.

She grabbed her pendant carefully to not crush it with her gauntlets, this was always a fight between older sister and not younger siblings.

She'll never forgive her for taking Cato away but she could never let Prim suffer the consequences for it, not when she had a choice in saving her life.

The bandages around her felt tight and constricting, forcing her to sit straight.... At least the Capitol logo was burnt off her back because of the blast even if she'd have a big burn scar in its place there and in other places.

It took a lot of help, the burns and shrapnel she got into her body were nothing easy to deal with, now she just needed to take it easy to help heal as the Capitol had destroyed many resources in the original attack against it.

She reached for her hair, she still got her bangs and the hair framing her face but the fire from those bombs.... It felt so odd to have short hair and not a little pony tail anymore.

She sighed loudly tho she heard it from the left, her right ear completely deaf, not hearing anything, that side having been closest to the explosion twice, the left she heard but a bit worst then before, because of scar tissue of something but she didn't care, she could still hear, she freaked when she woke up and was completely deaf.

She slowly got off the rail and walked away.

"Nice to see you Athena." Paylor greeted her, she gave a weak wave back before pointing at the glass dome she was looking at with two guard in front of it. "We are guarding that man."

She sucked in a breath, looking on..... Snow.

She pointed at it again.

"You want to go in?" Paylor asked, assuming what Athena wanted to say and got a nod back. "Of course, that's the least we owe you, guards, let her through."

The gravel creased under her boots as the guards opened the greenhouse's doors and closed them behind her. 

Athena felt sick at the overly sweet and perfumed sent in the air because of the white roses filling the place, still, she walked deeper.

"Ah, miss Hadley, how nice of you to visit me." Snow said, sitting on a little bench and tending to the rose bushes with a little dull knife.

She was to tried to glare, not even knowing what she wanted currently, watching him put the little knife down and look at her, he almost looked sorry.

"I never got the chance to tell you but I am really sorry for your brother.... I truly did believe that he could win, and I am sorry with miss Kentwell, it was not me that did that."

Athena sucked in a breath, suddenly forgetting how to breathe.

She had always blamed him for all.

But Snow doesn't lie.

He uses the truth to trick and twist but he speaks truth, always the truth.

And that hurt more because he really thought Cato would come back too her and that Clove was an accident, someone else rigging the reapings like she had done herself.

"And I know my time is limited now." He coughed into a tissue that he put away. "But while I was still Panem's beloved president I took care of him."

Him... Who's him.

"I see you are confused miss Hadley.... I am speaking about Draken Luis, head peacekeeper and the man that took your voice."

She took a few steps back, actually wanting to run away but finding herself rooted in place. So that's why she had had gotten a new peacekeeper to torment her and why the old one was gone.... Snow did it.

"He went against my orders, he was never meant to steal your ability to express yourself, he was never meant to cut out your tongue."

She swallowed, forcing the tears back, Snow didn't deserve them.

"I always liked your voice miss Hadley and that should have never happened. So from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry."

She felt her legs shake as she took a step back and turned away, she should have never come here.

"I'd advise you to look in the library, there are always interesting things there." Snow said as Athena hugged herself and walked away. "It was an honor to have known you miss Hadley."

She speed walked away from there, fighting to keep the tears in but they started falling the moment she was out of the view of the guards and Paylor, falling in thick globs.

And she bit it back.

But she just wanted to scream.

Scream in the agony this new knowledge.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now