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(Okay.... It is like late and creative juices are dried up, sure Capitol and all that stuff but, this will not start to torture, I will give you one chapter before this hell is unleashed and this is shorter then the usual chapter.)

Athena hoped she'd be the only one caught.

She wished oh so much that everyone would get away.

She could take it if she knew there were all safe.

So that explained why she was kicking with so much fervor and trying to rip herself out of their hold, five man struggling with her.

"Peeta!" She reached for the boy who only needed two to be held back, out of all, he deserved this fate the least.

"Athena!" He called out as he saw her but they were both dragged to different rooms, close enough but that would not matter when outside of view and lost in there with their own demons to come. "Athena!!"

"Let me go your bastards! Hold in there Peeta! I'll get you out!"

She was shoved in and she stumbled, jumping back against the closed wall and punching it several times.

She backed up angrily.

They had stripped her from her weapons, hell, those bastards even forced her into these white shorts and T-shirt, letting her freeze her ass off without a jacket or even socks while they were transported to what looked like the tribute center and then into the underground of it that no one knew existed.

They were awful, almost on purpose leaving her pendant with her to remind her of it since it was the only thing of color in the room, white walls, white buzzing lights, white floors.

And it was so damned cold.

she walked in place to not hard her feet freeze too the ground, not wanting to have to rip her skin of the soles of them but she expected that the Capitol knew that that would only limit whatever they wanna do too her since cold numbs. She hugged herself, breathing out fog it as she had goosebumps up and down her arms... They even fixed her injuries to probably inflict new ones later...

She glared at the empty room she would slowly freeze inside of maybe.

Her mind was spinning.

How many were caught? Who was caught? Where they all brought here? What about the other victors outside? Were they alright? Were they not?

She knew she wouldn't know the answer to those questions, all she could hope for was Johanna being safe.


She almost wanted to cry, something which she did quite a lot since her brother died and quite easily too, but she didn't, the dry cold already stinging her eyes and she just couldn't, so focused on her thoughts.

It hurt her but she is in the Capitol and Johanna is hopefully saved by whatever the rebels planned out for a rescue...

"I'll never get to tell you now." She whispered.

No matter if she was a coward or not anymore, she knew she probably would not escape the Capitol now, she would never see her again... She would never tell her how much she meant too her.

Athena felt tortured by such a thought, having been quite selfish until the moment the choice is made for her once again with the inability of her coming back from it.

She sighed, knowing this was just the start of hell.


Johanna was shocked but not too numbness, she was shocked too anger, hot blazing anger, lashing out at who caused it.

She had waken up on a hovercraft, that bothered her less then the events that happened before and after that moment.

From before she woke up there was how some tribute attacked Wiress and Mags, injuring the old lady's arm and stabbing Wiress and she ran after them only for them to run into the force-field that killed Blight and die, for her to find Finnick who ran off after Peeta that took off, thinking that boom was Katniss dying, and drag Finnick back too the tree to help the ladies. After they were stable, suit arms cut to create improvised bandages, Katniss almost shot them before shooting up and blasting them all with the lightning.

And after she woke up, realizing almost all of the group was here tho not seeing Peeta, Katniss nor Athena, seeing Katniss being tranquilized and pass out before carried away and getting told by a man awfully unable to stop smiling despite the situation that Athena and Peeta were in the Capitol with other mentors and victors either killed and took along, basically telling Johanna how all those she saw in this hovercraft were the only remain free and sure to be alive victors.

Oh how she had picked up an unused chair and hurled it at the man, wanting to jump at his throat and she would have if Finnick hadn't grabbed her.

His arms strongly around her waist as she shoved and screamed, wanting to be let go, to gut that man, just how dare he say that?!

She yelled and yelled, ordering them to go back for her, to not leave her behind.

And nothing could be done.


They abandoned the two of them in favor of them.

And now those two and many others.

They were all in the grips of the Capitol.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now