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As much as she made a show it this, she hated this.

Her hands were trembling behind the curtains she was standing hidden by, hearing the mutter of the crowd.

(I finished the drawing, could be better but this will be enough.)

She knew this was to come but it was sinking in down into her heart, yet again, she was forced to fight, for her life or not that didn't matter, she was forced too

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She knew this was to come but it was sinking in down into her heart, yet again, she was forced to fight, for her life or not that didn't matter, she was forced too.

And she didn't even know Brion's preferred weapon, what was it already? A spear? A sword? Her head felt so full and yet so empty all at the same time, she wanted to crack it open against a wall.

She grabbed the little necklace she wore, taking a deep breath, Cato having the other part of it.... And he would see this, he always watched the games, she wanted him to idolize the games, so he didn't end up like her in the end, so he'd feel pride in seeing his sister fight again instead of the terror sitting in the depths of her soul that she was feeling.

But with one simple deep breath, shaking out her arms, she shook herself back in 2's mindset, no victor ever wins, the games continue outside of the arena, she just needs to get back into the arena, she needs to feel the snow crunch under her feet, she needs to feel the wind slice into her skin, she needs to feel the cold bite of the ice on her hands.... She needs to be at the 66th.

She shivered, that cold, it was never something she could forget, the hair on her body standing up but couldn't rub them down under the armor.

It was like she blinked forwards in time, doing the walk out when called, kisses too the audience and showing off on autopilot hidden behind a painful smile, mind only on her opponent doing the same.

Opponent, it had been long since she thought of someone like that.

Brion was showing off two daggers, at least he is a close rang combatant, a spear would have been troublesome to deal with.

She could almost see the snowy cliffs and feel the wind whisper her death, seeing that last boy she killed in front of her once again, those hollow eyes of his.

She wasn't listening, zoned into her opponent, she'll treat this as if her life was in danger since she had no idea if the Capitol would be happy to see a victor die for what was sold too them as a show of rivalry but still, she'll treat this as life or death. 

She saw him lift the daggers, easily catching it was the deadliest of moments currently: The moment before the fight.

It was like the world vanished, was it the Capitol citizens that shut up finally or was it her mind in overdrive, she'd never know, but she didn't care.

A smirk made its way on her face, letting the old predator come out to protect her as she slid a leg back, standing sideways. Lifting a flexed hand by her face and holding the other out in front of her, a weird stance in the grand scheme of things but well.... She was weird.

Was Cato watching already? Could he see the monster of the 66th she was once more? Could Mags see it? Could Finnick? Would they forgive her? Would they understand?... Could Johanna see it?

She flipped her palm up, leaning back a bit, waving at Brion to come closer and on the offensive.

He could never bare her smugness so, with an assertive swing, he came at her.

Steeling her resolve.

Let him come for her, she is winning this game and going home.

(Yes this is a cliffhanger again, yes I am being a bitch.)

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now