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It was not that good to wake up.

Gagging on the fucking tube shoved down her throat and ripping it out leading to coughing blood was not something she wanted to do.

She was also quite confused as too why Johanna was not with her or how the doctors had no problems in letting her go and walk off.... But then again, looking at herself the injury was just a scar that was mostly healed so how long was she out?

"Ah Athena, how are you?"


"Good to see you too." Cinna smiled at her, watching her almost hurry to tie the gauntlets on her hands and arms, feeling naked without them. "But answer, feelings?"

"I    A-M     F-I-N-E"

"That's good, don't tell the others that I heard but I think madam Coin wants to see you, I was also on my way." He pat her shoulder. "See you soon and don't worry, Mags is looking after your Cinnamon." He said while he jogged away, barely waiting that he himself finished what he was saying.

She rose her brow but went to the room she shared with Johanna and it was empty too, suspecting it had something to do with not seeing Finnick or Katniss either even if suspecting that at least one of them would say something to her.

She grabbed her maker off a dresser, putting on some casual grey and black outfit with which she could have blended in with 13 if it wasn't for looks.

She had this bad feeling, rubbing the tender skin on her chest, that sword was literally a back stab but she didn't expect anything else.

Technically neither had won the deal but Ares did request no weapons and he broke his own rules which was why she was declared the winner.

She sighed, she hopes he survived, she can't go on like this, killing because Snow wants her too, she hopes that he is recovering like she had.


"Ah, miss Hadley, thank you for joining us." Coin sounded really annoyed, Cinna was right, Plutarch had found her wandering in search of her friends before gently leading her to the meeting room. "Please, take a seat."

She uncapped the marker and grabbed the pages of blank paper given to her to write on, looking at the woman.

"We have had a little problem." Coin started, her blond hair seeing whiter from stress then it was first. "Katniss Everdeen has gone rogue."

"What madam president means is she is in the Capitol despite our express warning against it." Plutarch added.

"The Capitol is open?"

"Yes, the loyalists have not stepped down in 2 but they are not bothering us anymore. Somehow Everdeen slipped passed all of our security measures and went on the scene to fight when she is not meant too."

"You cannot hold such a girl down ma'am. Where there is need, she'll be there."

"I understand that, that's why I have sent Finnick Odair and Johanna Mason after her, to protect the mockingjay."

The felt tip of Athena's marker was heard snapping on the paper with ink pooling out of it before expressionlessly reaching out to grab another pen, glaring with wide eyes at Coin.

"You sent them out there because of a girl." She wanted to say so much but that was all her hands wrote.

"We want to send another squad for their protection, our goal is to bring the victors back alive." Athena always thought her shady and she was not helping her case.

"And?" The dot on the ? jabbed into the paper.

"You'll be on it. Now, I know you were hurt not long ago but only the mockingjay matters." She said, right away contradicting her words of bringing all victors back, said as casually as it could have been said. "You are the best fighter of them, your place is at her side."

"How nice." But she was not about to fight it, she too would have snuck out if she was aware of what went on. "Drop me off there, I wished for long to make them all pay."

"Good, because we were not asking for your yes or no."

"Careful president, no one is far enough to escape the claws of an angry mutt." Dotting the end of that sentence harshly, the pen stabbed through into the wooden table and staying up right as she stood, doing a 180° and walking out.


"Ladies and gentlemen." Finnick said, turning to look at them all. "Welcome to the 76th hunger games."

Johanna sighed, feeling so bad for being here instead of with Athena but it was not like she had the choice.

She was forced to come out here and then learnt that instead of a random team she was teaming with Katniss because she somehow got out here, just great.

She wanted to go back, to go home, to be anywhere else but here.

And yet she was.

"I'm sorry." She muttered to herself with a deep breath as they stepped out into the streets of the Capitol and between the pods.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now