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(Fun fact: Paige had the 2 - 7 alliance in districts.... It is not on purpose that Athena and Johanna are from 2 - 7, I just read 2 were the best of the careers as that district is masonry and peacekeepers, accidental parallel.) 

"You really don't need to do this." Athena said, watching with a smile.

Johanna, once she unfroze, had dragged the victor from her spot on the roof down to the tribute quarter of 7, now haphazardly trying having grabbed ice from the fridge and given it to her while she was looking for something.

Athena had wrapped the ice in a discarded tanktop she decided no one would miss before putting it on her arm, knowing ice directly to the wound is a bad idea.

It still hurt but felt better too despite the chilling memories of her literally starting to freeze to death in her arena and hating the cold, this did help.

"Shut up." Johanna said, sitting down. "This won't be as good as the things sponsors can send but it--" She held out the spray she found. "Should fix these up."

"As you wish little wolf." She took the ice off and held out her arm.

She found herself to be quite an idiot for having forgotten to lower her sleeve, it was only when she tried that Johanna noticed something was up, she can just hope there won't be questions.

Johanna did want to ask, so many questions bumping each other in her mind but she kept her mouth shut, shaking the spray and praying it would work as she grabbed Athena's wrist gently with her other hand.

She felt bad, feeling the victor from 2 tense up when if it was just medicine sprayed on her skin and yet it didn't seem to change the expression on her face, either with that cocky smile or still calm small smile she currently wore, Athena hid her game really well even if her body betrayed her in moments.

Johanna wondered just how much pain she must be in as she grabbed the second arm, giving it the same treatment, this time, this arm slightly trembled.

"The bottle says it should be fixed in an hour for small scraps and cuts so.... I'd give it a good night's sleep and you'll wake up fine." Johanna said.

"Thanks, appreciate it." She pulled the sleeves down and buttoned them so they wouldn't slide up.

And then came the momentary awkward silence.

"So.... You are not asking questions."

"I know you won't answer them."

Athena smiled gently making Johanna short circuit, looking away.

"Awe, I make you blush." Athena said, slightly in her usual cocky way, snapping the younger victor out of it.

"Shut up."

Athena laughed to herself a bit.

"But you are correct little wolf, all you get is what I said on the roof, all for Cato."

"I wish you'd tell me."

"No need to worry your little head." She said, patting Johanna's head, making 7 look mad. "But I suppose I can tell you this, I tend to make the wrong people mad."

"Stupid Capitol, can't they just leave us alone? We played their stupid games, we won, don't we deserve this? To rest?"

"I wish little wolf, I wish."

"You are really weird 2."

"Yeah I know that... And don't start, I still have a name."

"You get to have a stupid nickname for me, me calling you Athena is not fair."

"Well Cato calls me Athy, Finnick it's either Thena or Kitten because of my claws, you have your pick of the litter."

"No, I want my personal one."

"It touches me that I am that important to you." She leaned over more, on purpose scooting closer.

"Well technically I owe you." She lifted her hand to her throat and mimicked grabbing and yanking it.

"I am sure you could have gotten out of that fight without my help."

Johanna just shrugged, clearly doubting it, it was a last ditched effort that she grabbed for her opponents throat, she was lucky it worked in the end.

"Well, I'll let you think about, call back when you found it." Athena mimicked a phone with her hand.

"Oh trust me." Johanna poked her in the chest. "You'll be the first to know." She grinned. (I am struggling to come up with a nickname for Athena so if you have any ideas that would fit her and something Johanna would call her, feel free to share with me :) always looking forwards to help.)

"I look forwards to it little wolf." She stood. "I should leave now, before Blight comes back, I don't think he likes me."

"He likes no one."

"Touché, now." She stepped closer.

"What are you doi--" Athena leaned down, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"That's thanks for helping me." She said, body working a bit faster then her mind did, usually doing this to Cato whenever she felt like but she didn't regret it. She smiled with a chuckled, finding herself silly but also enjoying the effect she was having on 7's newest victor.

Johanna completely red faced shocked, Athena cupped her own cheeks as she straightened out, wondering if she accidentally killed the victor before the girl shook herself out and grabbed her head.

Athena chuckled softly, walking herself towards the exit.

"See you later little wolf, a pleasure to see you." She said, letting herself out as Johanna's mind was melting, unable to get a grip on what she was feeling, she was sure Athena could hear her heartbeat out of her chest.

Athena closed the door, reaching for her face with a sigh through her nose, rubbing her hand up her face and through her bangs before lowering it over her mouth, drumming her other fingers on the doorknob.

She was liking this way more then she was allowed, she can't let Snow had someone else he can hurt to hurt her... She can't let it happen.

But she looked towards the closed door.

And yet it was so damned hard to stay away.

She hated herself for it and yet looked forwards to it.

Was this terrifying yet enticing feeling that brought Finnick to care for Annie?

Athena couldn't say but it already felt too late for her.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now