-''They are still bloody''-

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A minute?

An hour?


Athena couldn't really tell.

What she could tell was she didn't go see her tributes off, she didn't reply too Heymitch's calls to drink, she didn't bother to open the door for Finnick.

What she could tell was that she overdone it, that she had let herself be the overachiever of 2 to be selected for the 66th with a huge smile on her face, she let herself be the old her so easily.

Was she really still that person? The girl blinded by the glamour 2 painted over the games? Was she lying too everyone and herself? Was she just another victor lost too the Capitol?

What she could tell was that the blood seeped through the metal segments, that it dried too her skin, that it dried too the metal, that she was staring silently as she flaked it off with the tips of these claws, watching it rain in a dusty red on the carpet.

Her brother had seen this, Clove too, what would they think of her? Had she gone too far? Of course she had, but would they even look at her.

What she could tell was that suited man was calling for her, that she was needed and for once in her pitiful life... Athena followed on with an almost singing heart, preferring being used for her body instead of being faced by reality.


It was like Johanna had never seen the true Athena.... Or was it the fake that she had never seen?

She couldn't recognize the woman as anything else but her name: The Reaper.

Claws are a brutal weapon that minced lives and not just some lighthearted gloves Athena would wave in her face with mock promises to cut her.

Sure she was young when she saw Athena's games but even those looked tame, this was short but quite brutal.

Athena's body as a whole is a weapon, not just an axe she'd hold like Johanna or a trident like Finnick, take her claws away and she can still kill.

Every little moment where those, despite being mostly decorative, claws were waved at her and those promises passed by her mind.

That had not been Thea.... That was Athena Hadley, the victor of the 66th, that she saw on that screen, a woman with no mercy when it came to people getting in her way.




That was Athena, she'd bring all to a stand still if it meant her brother was fine.

And despite this new 'page' too her, it almost felt too Johanna that she it was not that new.

This jumbled mess of contradicting thoughts pushed her forwards on her path, having a goal or so she thought, it was more of a hunch.

She had heard of passing whispers, floating rumors and muttered words... Wondering if she'd find her there or there.

As much as Athena liked the rooftops freedom, it was also the biggest trap there was.

And so that path didn't lead her there but too a floor that should have been locked off since only those of one's district should be able to enter their floor.

Johanna almost smiled, when was it the last time that was true? Had Snow really not seen them visiting others or was he turning a blind eye too them? She was almost scared to know.

As much as a victor is untouchable is as much as they are weak, so many things can be done too none victor but so many new things could be done too the victors themselves, something normal district citizens would never be faced with.

And so, seeing the glowing 2 on the number-plate as the elevator opened was of no surprise, all that was a surprise was what she was actually doing here, no plan, no idea, no goal.


Maybe was it the look? That look Athena had too her after that, how the Capitol sanctioned Athena was slipping.... Johanna decided that that was her reason and not just coming here randomly.

The short little hallway seemed so long and the light knock on the door deafened her, should her even be here? How could someone be so scared for their life and wish something more then anything all at the same time? She is no scholar, she'll never know.

One, two, three, she drummed her knuckles once again down the door, she is not dumb, having heard the water running, she's there.

"Thea, open up now or I will kick in the door." She said, not knowing how much of her sarcasm slipped through nor if she really meant it, still trying to decide.

One, two, three, still no answers.... Oh well, she'll be true to her words, it is the Capitol paying anyway.

A step, two, back, and kicking the flimsy door near the door handle, the handle fell off with a clank at the frame ripped open, swinging open and smashing into the wall.

"I warned you."

The sight was somewhat strange... Sure Athena was there but... A sink was overflowing, creating a huge growing puddle, Athena washing something like her life depended on it with her front splashed and drenched completely, hair and outfit in disarray.

"What are you washing so feverishly?" Johanna casually asked, unable to see her in the same light but not dumb enough to spout off about it.

No answer, no 'silly little wolf', nothing, somewhat strange again.

She wanted to see, stepping up next too her, peering in tho she gasped a little.

"Thea!" She had had no wounds on her hands, always protected, maybe a little rough when she touched her but this? The sink was filled with water yes but no soap of anything. "Stop!" The wire brush racked on her hands and forearms with so much force she split the skin. "FUCK!!" 

Johanna yanked her hands out of the water, it was so hot that she thought she got burnt for a moment but Athena had a blank face.... Nothing, not a sighting of any smile, any sparkle, any life, too her, like a robot was standing there.

She took a deep breath, dipping them back in and grabbing Athena's to stop their massacre, skin scratch up with light gashes, deep red from the irritation and the heat, yanking them out.

Only then seemed the other victor notice Johanna, trying to bend her arms up but Johanna gripped harder, probably causing pain but she didn't care.

"Why?" She simply asked, not understanding why the other would hurt herself in such a way.

It was almost shameful and yet.

"They are bloody."

"Of course you idiot! You cut yourself with the brush you used!"

"I killed Brion, they are covered in blood."

"You have long washed his blood off if that bothers you."

And yet, this haunted all victors: Blood, blood on the ceiling, blood in the water, blood everywhere. Johanna axe would seem like it was dripping with it on dark nights.

Athena could just hide her weapons out of view, it was her hands. And it was not hard to guess, she seemed to be unable to ever scrub the blood off.

"They are still bloody."

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now