-Epilogue: Ares-

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(I'll do a little chapter on Ares tho it will be shorter then Athena's first Hunger Game, that chapter is 4000 words long. This one might even be longer as I want a bit more than just his HG in it. But after this chapter, there is a 99% chance that I will never come up with something else, I have Bera's story, victor of 8, the story of Olivia, tribute of the 74th, and Paige's Tribute from 7, plus I also have an oc for 12 and another for 4 to write so after Ares, consider this story not even getting thought about unless you readers have a specific idea that you want me to write about and comment about it. Then I'll do.)

(And last fun fact for this book... I just realized that in the canon ending Athena gets home and lifts a smoke up but throws it away before lighting it while in the timeline she dies in, Johanna grabs one and she lights it... I know I made it obvious in the book but this is the first time I truly thought it over. In the timeline they both survive, the smoke is not needed to hide the pain anymore while in one where only one is alive, cloud your eyes with smoke.)

Ares had high fived his best friend and was throwing his hands up cheerful before he got on the train.

This was it, all that he had worked so hard for.

He had trained insistently, day and night, only being stopped by injury or weather.

He knew he could win.

"So what do you think I should do?" But he still eagerly asked his mentor for advice, eager to learn from 2's new legend. He was not as much of a numbskull as people made him out to be,he wanted to learn and was very intelligent.

His mentor just looked at him, something in her eye betraying the displeasure of being here more then her current position.

Sitting on the crouch with her left ankle put up on her right knew, right hand in her lap and the other arms elbow on the window edge, looking out it with her chin in her palm.

Last year they hadn't gotten much out of the victor and Ares was sure that's why the 67th wasn't won by 2 but he was not that wimpy to back down to a moody woman... Girl, she is younger then him by a year yet she looks several years older, the cigarette smoking the wagon up completely, the glass of liquor on the table, the way she dressed. If he didn't know he'd give her... 23 or something.

"You saw the run down, do what you want." She told him, rolling her eyes once and sighing before sitting up more properly, shifting her legs so they were crossed at the knees and sitting straight, hands in her lap, drumming a thumb on the back of the other.

"Be a bit more mentor-like, I want to survive." He hissed.

"I didn't have help." She shrugged. "Why do you need mine?"

"That's a mentor's job."

"Sure, but we are from 2, it is once every blue moon one of us doesn't win."

"Well I wanna dash away that blue moon win too."

"You sure have the spirit." She flicked the cinders off the end of the half finished smoke and put it back into the pack and pocketed it. "Fine, I'll bite, what do you want to hear?"

"You saw the run downs, you know the games, strategies, that's what I want."

"Hmm..." She rubbed her chin, he was pleased that she wasn't that much of an ass as the rumors said, wondering if they were even true actually. "Play it pack like always, let as little as possible escape the bloodbath and go for 7 above anything else."

"Why them?" That, that was what he wanted, some specific hints.

"They work in the forest, lumber, they can be strong and most arenas are forest based."

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now