-''Love is weird''-

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When had she fallen over?

When had her ears stopped ringing?

When had everything just.... Stopped?

Athena, at one moment or another, had swung her arm into the invisible wall, stumbled and tripped, falling flat on her back and staring at the sky like Finnick had been.

She knew he was dead, her brother was dead, but each scream for help, each beg, each word, it sent her spiraling in her mind, fighting itself to go save him, to go help him, to hold and hug him, but he was gone and she knew it.

She felt so numb it almost felt like back in her ever cold arena, was she brought back there somehow?

Athena was so spaced out by all that happened that she had not even realized that her head had been picked up off the ground or that Johanna was there.

She passed her hand through her hair, feeling the weight of Athena's head in her lap, actually making her leg go numb because of the length of time this had been going on, not bothered by the bird blood covering her by consequence.

Mags was hugging Finnick's head against her chest, brushing her fingers through his hair.

Peeta held his arms around Katniss, whispering about how the hour was over and how she was safe now.

Katniss was the first to really snap out of it, yerking up with a loud scream.

"Prim! Where's Prim?!" She looked around as Peeta grabbed her face.

Johanna frowned, looking down at the other victor, able to imagine what she heard and who she heard.

"No, no. Prim's okay." Peeta said. "But are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said quite unconvincingly since she was shaking and still frazzled up.

"Okay, okay. You can take a deep breath, I promise, they won't hurt Prim." Peeta said.

"Your fiance's right you know." Johanna added. "The whole country loves your sister. If they tortured her or did anything too her, forget the districts, there would be riots in the damn Capitol." And that infuriated her since they all loved Prim but they cheered when Cato was mauled to death.

She passed a hand through Athena's hair, feeling just so angry for all those that died because of the games and the Capitol.

"Hey, how does that sound, Snow? What if we... What if we set your backyard on fire? You know, you can't put everybody in here." She threw her axe that laid next to her randomly, hitting a tree with it.

Katniss silently stared at her and then at the other two victors that had suffered with her and how it affected them, Peeta too, staring at her as if the Capitol would drop a boulder on her for saying that on live television.

But nothing happened and she glared at them.

"What? They can't hurt me. There's no one left out there that I love." She said since the only one that she had left was in here with her and she couldn't help her.

"I'll got get water." Peeta ended up saying. "Come, walking will change your thoughts." He helped Katniss up. "Will you come with us? Safer together." He said and Wiress nodded, soon retreating.

Johanna watched them go before looking back down, wishing she could help.


Katniss jerked in fear as arrows clatters as Johanna shoves it in her quiver, the victor of 7 had gone back into the forest once they got out of it, making sure no one had followed and had actually brought back the arrow but had wanted to scare Katniss a bit by doing that, feeling slightly better.

Johanna sat next to her since out of them all, Katniss would ask the least amount of questions even if she knew they were to come.

"Thanks." Katniss whispered with a sigh, feeling extremely on edge.

Finnick had walked out onto the shore and too the water, dropping on his ass and laying back into the waves, head and face barely out of the water as Mags sat with him. 

Wiress sat with the wire Beetee had fought for to retrieve, biting her knuckle as she thought in a mutter, not close enough to be understood.

Peeta was sharpening a spear for the before mentioned victor, since she didn't have a weapon, he wanted to make it for her so that she'd at least stand a chance if separated from them.

And Athena sat near too the shore but outside the reach of the water, holding her pendants and staring vaguely into the horizon of the setting sun, whispering too herself.

Johanna felt bad for her as the first thing she said was 'is Cato dead?' needing that confirmation as if she seriously didn't know and had no idea if those screams were true or not.

 "Who's Annie?" Katniss broke the tense silence, she had asked the same from Peeta but he just shrugged, unable to recall anything about her.

"Annie Cresta. The girl mags volunteered for." She said, trying to jog Katniss' memories but saw it did nothing. "She won the 69th through a freak flooding of the whole arena after her district partner was beheaded in front of her, being the best swimmer of them all she survived, being for 4 after all." 

"Is she the one that went a little...." It didn't need to be said, Johanna knew Katniss thought of the word crazy. Annie was more paranoid but she didn't feel like correcting her.

"Mhm." She looked at Finnick, that man was ready to die for that girl and Johanna didn't want to see the day that it would become reality... And yet she herself was in a similar predicament. "Love is weird." She whispered without thinking.

"Athena huh?" The younger victor asked, sure she didn't hear their conversation in the water while she helped Wiress clean herself up but she saw how the two were together, she was not blind.

"Yeah, as much as these games are a nightmare, I met her because of them."

"How long?" She tried having some casual banter to lock out her thoughts.

"Hmm? What?"

"How long have you been together."

"Not even a day." Johanna said, shaking her head. "For you Thea is your worst nightmare waiting to pounce, for me she is much more and for herself she is too much... I can see it in her eyes, she wishes she could be anyone else but even so, she's mine."

"But you are not together?"

"Sometimes the heart knows but the brain is too stubborn at the moment to admit it." She said, referring to the accidental confession she still went along with, pushing it to see if Athena would say it back, only the blind would not see she wanted to but never did, it hurt a bit but Johanna was patient to a certain point before just grabbing what she wanted... She just hopes the rebellion finally thought up a way to get them out of here before they all die and lose the opportunity.

"I have an idea." Wiress said, coming up too them as she carried the wire in her arms.

"I'll get the others." Johanna stood, dusting herself and walking away.

Katniss couldn't understand.

How could she love someone that was so blind too her own love for the other?

She looked at Peeta.

And yet she almost understood it.

Love IS weird.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now