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"You don't have a choice."

As much as Johanna wanted to throttle Coin into tomorrow, she was just as much confused at how much of a deranged smile Athena sported at such a news, happy to lack any control too her life.

"As lomg as II get tooo killl themm." Athena had a hard time writing with the tremor and the lack of sensation but before the full on loss of her hands, she still had numbness in them so she could write, it would just be harder now. "Ass long as II get to fiight againsst the Capitol." Doubling letters or full on misspelling with wrong letters and jerks, looking like the writing of a child.

Athena didn't care she was being asked, forced, to join Katniss' propo team or whatever they call it, she wanted blood and would not care if she could spill it.

"Great." Coin looked at Plutarch. "See? I told you we should have taken her, she is willing to fight, not your mockingjay."

Athena was almost proud that another president wanted to use her, she must have this charm too her but lets just listen too this one, she'll kill her if she messes up.

"Are we done here?" Johanna asked, restless. "We have somewhere to be."

"Are you still not willing to join the team?" Coin asked her.

"Of course tho I need too, you twice divorced looking bird head, I won't let her out of my sight." Athena smiled, nudging Johanna with an amused eye roll. "When either of us goes, so does the other."

"Great." Coin cleared her throat, that comment.... Something she had never been faced with. "Head down too the armory, Wiress should be there with weapons made for both of you."

";)" Athena drew on the paper she had been using to talk with Coin before standing and grabbing Johanna, pulling her after.

She let go right outside of the room tho, not wanting to squeeze her too hard.

"God I hate that woman!" Johanna walked forth, knowing the way unlike Athena. 

Athena just smiled, her little wolf was quite a nice person, she never brought up what she heard or saw, never pushed her... It was almost too good.

Athena had more then once felt willing to swing, that video, not knowing which was fake, that or her, was she really alive or what is a trick?

She shook her head, she must be real, there was a reason why they covered the faces of those killed in the video and this is just too complex to fake.

"Are you okay Thea?"

Athena inwardly shook herself out and nodded at the question.


"Welcome you two, we waited for you for quite some time." Wiress waved.

"And you already made us weapons, despite us not willing to fight with you." Wiress just shrugged.

"Well Johanna, this is yours." She threw her a fold-able axe. "Nothing special for you like you kept insisting, just a normal axe."

"And it still looks way too sophisticated." She said, looking at the sleek design.

"Don't complain." Wiress waved her off. "For you Athena we went a bit more out and specialized with all that has gone down."

The gauntlets looked just like those in the 75th games but she smiled as she touched their dull metal surface, they were a Capitol weapon but they did save her from loosing an arm and her life.

She grabbed the first, actually having trouble fitting her fingers in as she could not see or feel them in the gauntlet but flexed them when they got in place.

"Heavily padded on the inside with some inbuilt controls." Wiress did air quotes when she said controls but Athena saw right away what that was meant to be, she had put on the left gauntlet and there was no more tremors in her hand, something was built in to stall the shakes in her hand. "The gauntlets have some mechanical inhibitors built in, keeping the cramps or tremors from messing things up tho it came with compromises." Yeah, when she moved her fingers it was still ratcheting but for all of them. "You'll need to adapt to no jerky movements with your hands or the ratchets will block in the previous position to keep you from hurting yourself, and since you can't feel your hands the restraints to make all this possible won't bother you."

Athena nodded, she could do that, in a fight she'd just flex her fingers and keep them there anyway, if that can be done mechanically instead of her putting strength in it, it should be fine. Putting the other side on too.

"Retractable claws, made from an alloy, changeable if they break but I'd doubt it."

Athena flexed her fingers, the already sharpened tips of the fingers sprouted long white metal claws.

She looked at the grooves on the underside of them.

"The plate on the back of your hands." She turned it over and saw it. "Shift it."

Athena pressed on it before pulling when nothing happened and it popped open on little hinges that flapped open, revealing three small cylindrical holes.

"Catch." Athena did, it was a little cylinder that looked perfectly sized to fit in a hole and slotted it in before Wiress closed the little hatch. "Now, strike any metal surface after you clicked the little button aligned on with the cylinder near the knuckles."

She did so, watching the transparent red liquid of the cylinder drip in the grooves but not drip out of them.

She looked around before slashing her claws across the wall without a care for her hands, the gauntlet did indeed lock her fingers and wrist in and kept them but being bent back by the strength, the alloy of the claws creating sparks and as the swing finished with her hand on fire.

She jerked back, trying to back up from her hand as she watched the blue flames on her palm before they instantly started to die out, only burning on her claws until she shook them out.

"flammable, corrosive and trackerjacker, those are the three vials we worked out, you load them in their slots, select one with the buttons and they then run along the grooves in your gauntlets, so you can decide what you want."

Athena grinned, clicking the selected button again and shaking her claws out, seeing no more red liquid, taking a few tries to flex her hand correctly to make the claws pull in.

"That's some cool shit." Johanna told her, smiling too, tho Athena's held quite some malice.

The Capitol won't see what will hit it and she can't wait.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now