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(Fun fact: I still prefer Paige too Athena but she is so fun to write, a complete difference between a girl that wanted to survive and it to be over and a girl that grew up idolizing the games and stuck in playing the Capitol's game..... Oh and I am warning you now, I can't bare writing fics where I have Johanna grabbed by the Capitol so for the 75th it will be once again my oc that gets trapped with Peeta, she suffered too much in the books and movies for that..... And last thing..... You know I accidentally named my characters perfectly? Paige like Page like Paper like Wood, Paige for 7, the wood districts. Athena like a goddess goddess of war, handicraft and practical reason just like the girl from 2 that is a mighty warrior but also intelligent... I make accidental greatness just like when Paige said female tribute from 4 was forgettable and it was the same tribute that ended up killing her brother.)

"Why are you here?"

"And why are you always on the roof?" Johanna wanted to find a way to throw 2 through the protective netting of the Capitol, it would make a good splatter on the ground, she'd find it really pleasing to look at. "Look, Enobaria is an ass, I prefer mentoring alone, that way I can smoke inside but she won't let me.... Tributes are not even supposed to be here at times like these, you are meant to train."

"I ran out crying." Johanna said.

"Ah, the little sheep hiding away its strengths, it makes me wonder what you are good at, if you'll be a challenge for my tributes." 2 stood from her sitting position. "I do hope you put on a good show."

Johanna was not dumb, despite being oh so mad at the mentor, she had her own ideas swirling behind her eyes and away from view, that's how she did this fake act, she had long decided that if she was reaped she'd play it like this, kept the secret from everyone, hell, she even took longer shifts in the lumber workshop to build up strength in her arms, unlike many, she prepared herself to survive and to go back too her family alive and not in a wooden casket.

"I'll put an axe through their pretty little faces." She promised.

"Not unless they rip your throat out first." In the blink of an eyes, Johanna felt metal wrapped around her neck, the points of the claws gently pressed in her skin. "Just like this."

2 shook her hand out and stepped back as the young tribute grabbed her throat, surprised at how fast this woman was.

"Don't worry, you've seen them train, it's just I that am not that orthodox in my chosen weapon." 2 flexed her hands with the metal and chains as a show, she had killed six of the eleven tributes of her games in full contact close range fighting after all.

"They could still rip my throat out, no need for fancy finger claws."

"True." 2 shrugged. "But it takes training." She flexed her fingers, pulling them back but bending them, yet again showing them like claws. "Fingers must be stiff or you risk a sprain at best or a break at worst." She walked towards a white rose bush near them. "And fast." She threw her hand out and yanked back, snapping a branch that was still three fingers thick with extreme ease. "Twisting the wrist down after piercing the skin and grabbing on.... You pull out the trachea in the best cases and cause lethal tearing in worst." She held the branch towards the girl.

Johanna wanted to ask why the hell would the mentor of another district tell her about how to kill the other tributes but she kept her mouth closed, that damned smug face of the 2.

"Tho not sure someone like you could even do it." She said.

"I'll fucking make you eat your words."

"Do try little sheep, it will be sure fun games to watch."


Athena hung the branch filled hand, having chased the tribute off with her attitude once again.

Sighing, not that any of her help mattered, her chances of survival are so little.

For once Athena would miss a tribute that was not from her district, she was a fun change of pace.

She dropped the branch in disgust, glaring at the white roses and stomping on them.

Her fists were tightly closed and blood from the thorns that pierced her skin dripping down between her fingers.

She lifted her hand, looking at the sore puncture wounds before sighing again... How poetic.


She watched the evaluation with tributes, the girl got a 9 and the boy an 8, something to be proud of sure but that was the job of the escort, Julian, that man being dressed in the most frilly pink suit she had seen to date with a long wig, as pink as the rest, hell he wore more makeup then she ever did.


Johanna Mason got a 3.

Athena needed to admit, that girl in a great comedian but like this she'd never get sponsors, she'll be alone in the games, completely and utterly alone, not even an ally.

As a career, Athena had played with the pack of 1, the other 2 and 4, hunting the other tributes, that was when, unlike the others, there was a little light that turned on in her head about how wrong this all was, children hunting others only to brutally slaughter them.

It was not the best strategic choice but she parted from them silently in the night, almost dying too the frigid temperatures of her arena but it payed off sadly, she was still alive today while they weren't.

"Going out, I need a drink." She offhandedly told Enobaria and walked out without even waiting for another word.

Digging her fingers in the healing wound on her palm.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now