-Epilogue VIII-

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(Soooo this is not the chapter I had planned but I think it will be a chapter you'll enjoy, it might be longer then usual but who knows? Not me.)

Athena played with her fingers behind her back, she was so excited, feeling jitters in her whole body, today's the day, she can feel it.

"Come on, come on." She thought as she looked at the man step up in front of the crowd and held up heavy looking leather bound book.

"So." His voice old and shaky but not his body. "With remarkably high grades between all ages for females, an 8.3 out of 10, Athena Hadley."

"Heck yeah." She chuckled as the girl standing next to her shot her a glare, she stuck her tongue out at her and shoved her, laughing as she fell over, marching her way proudly out of the clapping crowd.

She'll show them, she'll show them that no one else is better then her.

There was a skip in her steps, walking herself up on stage.

She cupped her hands behind her with a wide grin, beaming proudly when she crossed the eyes of her mother, father and her brother sitting on his shoulders, sending them a kiss with a wave.

"For the males with a 7.5 out of 10, Damien Lorvik."

She rolled her eyes, sure he is 18 but damn does he look average, is he reaaally the best offered.

"Now district 2, cheer on your tributes for the 66th game!" The escort, Julian if she remember right, called out.

She was so excited, to bring honor to her family, this was all 2 wished for and she could too, be part of this.

She'll bring her district honor and pride, she'll make them all proud and she can't wait to crush the others pitiful dreams of victory.


"Remember, play dirty if needed, there are no rules in the arena." He father ruffled her hair. "Go for the family jewels, twist and rip."

"I know dad." She laughed, slapping his hand away and throwing a punch that echoed as it smacked his palm. "I'll make the games short so we can celebrate my birthday."

"That's my girl." Her mother smiled. "Make sure to put up a great show, we'll be watching."

"I wouldn't want it any other way, and you." She poked her brother in the stomach, making him laugh as she smiled. "You'll obey until I am back alright?"

"Hehe oki!"

"Hadley, the train."

"Yeah yeah I'm coming." She waved the peacekeeper off. "I'll bring this as my token so you are always with me." She showed her brother the pendant they both wore.

"Hadle--" The man grabbed her shoulder, she spun back, putting a good punch in, she might be 15 but she is not that small, flipping him off.

"I am talking bastard!" She yelled, rolling her eyes. "Oh well, see yah soon!" She grinned with a wave, why would she doubt herself anyway? Her chosen weapon was something no one knew how to correctly fight again, she is fast and she is from 2, she has this won already.


She sulked in her room on the train.

"Those bastards!" She  span on herself and kicked the little bedside table hard.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now