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(fun fact: I usually link a song I was listening to while writing the chapter at the start of them but this was more of a 'I saw the song and had the write a chapter to it' not the 'I wrote a chapter listening to it', and like just the title of it.... 'Appetite of a people pleaser'.... Quite fits a certain victor of 2)

Athena drummed a pencil on the clipboard she was holding with a printed page on it.

Usually the tributes didn't see the arena sure, but the mentors did get this sort of list from time to time where they needed to tick off what event they would vote for to happen in the arena.

She hated this, it always caused death and she couldn't just not vote, she could just hope no one would pick what she did.

She crossed in the trackerjacker swarm and handed the clipboard too a staff with her usual smile plastered on. This 'event' was the most boring if she thought like a Capitol citizen, the least bloody and showy, so that's why she did that.

This year, like every year, she was always dragged out as a mentor because of her status as a sweetheart, her mentor partner this time being a brutish man she instantly didn't get along with, sparks flying between them.

She looked at her knuckles, they were covered by the Capitol designed dainty claws but they felt sore, she didn't go in for the swipe purely because she was dragged off him by staff terrified to do so but still ordered too.

"Staff." She scoffed as she left the little room she was called too. She didn't like calling them what they were, staff was better, avox is dehumanizing and she is not willing to play that game and no one could fault her here, not even Snow.

She bit on her tongue, she was almost not scared of his threats to cut a liar's tongue out, soon he won't be able to use Cato against her, soon.

And the boy was really good, packing on muscles so easily, heck, if Athena didn't falsify the academy scores he would have been reaped this year and she wouldn't let that, with her Capitol given strength, paying off the officials of 2 to sentence another child to death.

"I suppose Brion hates me because of that." She never did tell her mentor partner about this of course but it was his son that was reaped with Athena switching the first and second place in the academy, and she suspected that the boy knew he shouldn't be the first and snitched.

Doesn't matter, he wasn't speaking to her so she'd just work with their female tribute who had just as much chance as he had, being 18 and proficient with a sword as primary and daggers as secondary weapons.

"So what did you chose?" She was partially surprised her tribute had waited for her where she left her.

"You know I am not supposed to tell you."

"And won't you anything?"

"I suppossssse not." She said, making the S sound like a Z.

The tribute didn't get that it was the hint, Athena wouldn't give more.

"Anyhow, back to training, get one 1's good side, these last few years you tributes have been real good at fucking the career pack up."

"Right right geez, I am doing that."

"Good, now come, Julian will have my ass if I make you late for your interview." She couldn't take their district escort seriously with all the pink that man wore but he had a bite, he annoyed her in the best of cases.

"You will really not tell me anything."

"Please, be happy I help you."


"The world is rude, now get in." She opened the elevator door with her key card, one of these days someone will hack it and it will be hell to get up and down the floors, she's been using the same card ever since she won.

Getting in and sending it to the ground floor.

"I want you to win alright? I think you much more deserve it." She told the tribute, maybe it is selfish, but Brion made her like this with his behavior. She got a proud and menacing smile, she grin smiled at her. "Hmm?" The elevator stopped much earlier then she thought.

"Oh 2, how nice to see you." She couldn't help but grin.

"Hello 7." The tribute with the younger victor looked oh so terrified to be within the presence of not only a tribute from 2 but the mentor, yelping when his mentor shoved him in there and got in.

Athena waited a moment before nudging Johanna who gave a shove back, almost making her laugh but the ride down to the ground floor was silent.

The doors opened, the tribute running out.

"Hey 7!" Athena called, her tribute and her were going one level lower to meet with their stylist after all.

"What?" Johanna asked as she turned back, only to be smacked by the closing elevator door and sent stumbling forwards.

She wanted to fume but seeing the other victor laugh at it, she just shook her head, rubbing the sore spot and ignoring the rest that had maybe seen what happened.

She couldn't help smile too herself tho, she can play games too.

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