-Oh please-

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(fun fact: I already shared this with a few people but I just realized not long ago that, if comparing kills, I feel like Paige from Forest Fire has a higher kill count then Athena, district 7 MC is better then 2 MC at killing.... Then again, different lives for both but it is still a surprise.

Second fact of this chapter, you can tell me plot points you know? It is harder to find something to write about for this story then it was when I wrote Forest Fire, I did write that book in less then two weeks but had this going for a while.)

No one looked for the missing man.

No one seemed to really care.

There was one lazy peacekeeper patrol with their lazy questions, not caring much to question her after she said she didn't see him despite the blood and all.

Athena almost didn't mind it but she did, she did because there would be no one but her to remember that man.

She looked at her claws and sighed, at least it is in the past, she can deal with another death on her consciousness.

Nightmares, sure they were still there but with the habit of having them, it was almost weird when she didn't, not waking up screaming anymore, not tossing and turning, not in cold sweat.

She just woke up too a land that didn't spare her the suffering, glorifying her fears.

And she hated what her life was becoming, it was just meant to be Cato and her and now, not only was she the self imposed guardian of another child but also there was this other victor.

"Dammit, how I hate you."

"What did I do Kitten?" Said Finnick into the phone for their basic monthly call.

"Nothing Fish-brains, just thinking, just the 73rd and 74th and Cato will be safe."

"I wouldn't want to stress like you do."

"You stressed for Annie."

"That was different, Cato can fight at least if he gets reaped, if you being his sister has anything to do with it.... You should call your little wolf."

"She is her own woman, not mine, and why would I even?"

"Oh please."

"I won't like what you are about to say Finnick." She warned, recognizing that tone of voice.

"Come on you can't say you don't like her around." He said, voice all suave and soft. "The way you loo--" She hung up.

She sighed, not in the mood to be relentlessly teased by him.

Can't he just stop?

How bothersome.

It was not her fault Johanna was fun to be around but under no circumstances will she admit the truth too herself.

She can't let that happen, not under her watch, not under his watch.

Athena is not an idiot, Snow is not singling her out, but it sure feels like it.

So much felt almost personal but all victors were happily smiling with nooses tied around their necks, some of them just tugged it tighter themselves like her or Heymitch.

They were what the higher ups called problem victors, not being like how the Capitol wanted them to be, the perfect representation of the glory of the names or not acting how they wanted them too.

And it infuriated Athena because she did her damned best to fit the narrative that seemed to avoid her.

She took a deep breath, no, don't cry, you can't cry, you need to be strong for him, for Cato, you can't cry.

Not only Cato, you do so much for so many people, you tear apart.


If only you could stop....

But there is no way off this train...


Only death is the answer.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now