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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, I hadn't had a good night's sleep in a while. I got up turning my fan off and put on my robe, I usually slept naked most of the time but last night I wore some panties. Eziō was still locked up in the basement so I wasn't worried about him seeing me, he had already seen me in my bikini so it didn't matter to me either way. Shiro was sleeping in his bed and Khan was nowhere to be found.

"Khan?" I walked out of the room looking for him, it wasn't like him to stray away from me. Shiro did but only if my mom or dad was around. "Khan?"

I looked over seeing him coming out of the basement, he stopped when he saw me and I walked down the stairs. The guy's hand was broken off and hanging in the window that Eziō had apparently broke. I shook my head and walked to the door seeing Eziō just standing against the wall, he looked pissed and then smiled when he looked up to see me.

"Good morning," He said

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?"

"Great" He shrugged and walked closer to the door "Are you going to let me out?"

"I have a meeting in an hour, but I can get you some breakfast-" my phone started ringing and I pulled it out seeing Carlo was calling me. "Hey you"

"I got you your favorite waiting here for you"

"And something else I want?" I turned around smiling, I was feeling a little horny. Seeing Carlo would be at the top of my list when I got home.

"Whenever you want it"

"Mmm, that's what I like to hear. I'm not in town right now but when I get back-"

"Whenever you want it," He said again laughing and I smiled.

"Just for the day, you know my rules."

"Enya open the fucking door!" Eziō kicked the door and I turned around looking at him like he was crazy.

"Who is that?" Carlo asked

"My cousin" I looked at Eziō, "I told you to leave, do you want some food or not?" He just glared at me and I shook my head "I'll leave the door open, get some fresh air in here."

He chuckled "Enya I'm going to give you a chance to open this door before I get mad"

"Well, you had all night to open it then if you could open it yourself huh" I rolled my eyes then walked out.

"You and your cousin don't get along?" Carlo asked.

"No. Not at all-" I heard a gunshot then another one. I hung up the phone and walked over to the basement door. Khan was coming up the stairs and Eziō was behind him. "Khan go to the room," I told him and he walked past me heading to the room.

Eziō put his gun on the floor and then took off his jacket "I'm not going to kill you but I am going to hurt you. I don't want uncle Marco upset at me for killing you." he walked over to me looking down at me.

"You can try" I looked up at him chuckling and shaking my head "I'm related to worse people than Marco, he should be the last one on your mind"

"You keep fucking with me Enya and you'll be seeing that dead boyfriend of yours sooner than you thought." He smirked at me and then looked me up and down.

"Didn't your daddy abuse you or something? I can't remember, I fell asleep while Marco was telling me." I smiled at him biting my lip.

He punched me making me fall into the counter, he was about to punch me again but I grabbed his arm and then kneed him in his stomach. He bent over holding his stomach and then I kicked him in his face, I went over to grab him but he uppercut me making me grab my mouth. He stood up looking at me in amusement and I laughed and then spit on his shoes, he quickly came over grabbing me by my throat, and backed me up against the wall choking me. I wrapped my legs around him and then reached up digging my nails in his face, he lost his balance and fell to the ground making me land on top of him. Before I could do anything he flipped me over and then picked me up slamming me onto the ground.

Not His Enya (Geniuses and Genetics Book 2) (BWAM)Where stories live. Discover now