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"I'm sorry piccolo" my dad mumbled "I don't like you seeing me like that"

"I know" I laid my head on his shoulder and he grabbed my hand holding it "I know we're all trying to keep it together, how's Maliyah?"

"Cute" he chuckled "And small. You can barely see her face with all the tubing but" he stopped talking and started tapping his foot.

"But cute" I finished for him "You and mommy make cute babies. I mean look at me, I'm the cutest out one of the three of us" My dad started laughing and I smiled.

"Keep dreaming bitch" Brandi said while Ryu pushed her into a wheelchair. "Everyone knows I'm the cutest, look at these dimples" She smiled and I rolled my eyes smiling.

"il più piccolo" (littlest one) "How are you feeling" he looked down at her stomach and then at Ryu who went over behind Eziō, who was standing across from us.

"Tip top shape" she smiled and my dad shook his head smiling.

"So um" my dad awkwardly scratched the back of his head "How far along are you?"

"17 weeks and it's a boy"

"I heard" he looked over at Ryu and then back at Brandi.

"Mhpm" she nodded her head "And I'm naming him Angelo after Grandma Angela"

"Really?" My dad smiled "Oh she would've loved that. Aurora-Aurora-" he cleared his throat and shook his head "You know your mom has her name as her middle name and Allure. She has two middle names" he said sounding like he was trailing off. I looked at Brandi and we both noticed our dad slipping back into that state. His foot started tapping again and he looked at her door.

"I haven't told Aljuda yet so you have to keep it a secret," Brandi said breaking him from his staring at the door "And don't go bragging either Daddy." Brandi crossed her arms.

My dad nodded but still wasn't paying his full attention to her, I was scared if we didn't get his attention he would storm back into mommy's room.

I looked over hearing Brandi grunt. She was trying to stand up and my dad looked over at her "il più piccolo what are you-"

"I got this," she said but Eziō came over picking her up out of the chair "I had it asshole"

"Shut up. Where to"

"My dad's lap" Eziō looked at Matteo who reached up taking her from him "I'm stuck on middle names too"

My dad sat back down "What are you thinking?"

"Hiroshi" She looked at Eziō "After his uncle. Or Enzi after his auntie"

"Me?" Eziō said shocked "Brandi, please. I'll cry"

"Ugh. Bite me"

"I love you too" he held up a heart to his chest making Brandi chuckle and my dad rolled his eyes smiling.

"I'm starving. All I've had is peanut butter and brownies all day. I mean honestly come on"

I looked at Brandi knowing we needed to get our dad away from here for a while, Daddy loved cooking and Brandi was hungry and pregnant. He wasn't going to say no to her, but we needed something quick but not too quick. Just something to refresh his mind.

"Oo! Lamb kabob" I groaned and Brandi pointed at me nodding her head

"Eggah" she added catching onto what I was doing "But we need something sweet. Something only daddy can make" she looked up in thought.

I was about to say meshabek but forgot that was Mommy's favorite. All of ours, Daddy made it all the time for us.

"Atayef!" I said and Brandi's eyes widened and she pointed at me

Not His Enya (Geniuses and Genetics Book 2) (BWAM)Where stories live. Discover now