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"Fuck" I groaned cumming for the third time. My dick was still hard and Enya had left over 20 minutes ago. It pissed me off she made me feel like a fucking teenager. Just looking at her angry bitchy face made me hard, and her fucking lips. I huffed looking down at my dick and it was somehow harder. "You have got to be kidding me"

I need to stop at my hotel before going to Enya's house.

I pulled up to Enya's family's house and my phone started ringing. I looked down at it seeing my cousin was calling me.

"I'm about to walk in-"

"What did you do to Enya?"

"I didn't do anything to her," I said confused "I don't think I did, I pulled a gun out on this girl but she didn't look like she cared"

"You're stressing my girlfriend out," he said angrily and I rolled my eyes "Stop it! And stop pissing Enya off" he yelled then hung up on me.

I got out of my car and knocked on the door, Mrs.Aurora looked up at me and smiled "Eziō," she opened the door and I went in.

"Hi Mrs.Aurora, how are you?" I leaned down giving her a hug. She was tall for a woman, and so was Enya. I liked that about her, Mrs.Aurora was 5'9 maybe 5'10 and Enya was about the same height.

"I'm good" she pulled away "Ryu is upstairs with Brandi"

"I'm actually looking for Enya"

Her eyes widened in shook before she shook her head "Uh-"

I heard growling and looked over seeing Shiro slowly walking over to me "Shit, I mean shoot"

"Shiro?" Mrs.Aurora looked at him, he came over standing in front of her and I stepped back. She chuckled looking at me "He doesn't like you huh?"

"Not at all"

"Well he hasn't attacked you so that's a good thing," she said petting him.

I heard loud thumping and looked over seeing Khan running up to me, I knelt down and started petting him "What's up big guy?" I looked up at Mrs.Aurora "I heard congratulations are in order"

She put her hand on her stomach smiling "Thank you Ezio, um as far as Enya-"

"Her rooms that way," Saif said coming down the stairs "Don't worry about knocking just go on it"

"Uncle Saif-"

"It's fine Aurora, it's her fiancée," He said smiling, was he...making fun of me?

I looked up seeing Matteo coming down the stairs behind him on his phone "Baba have you seen-" He looked up and huffed when he saw me "Are you fucking serious"

"Son, be nice to your son in law"


Matteo pinched the bridge of his bed and then looked at Mrs.Aurora "Go get back in bed"

"I was getting food" She smiled walking into the kitchen.

"I'll get it Aurora" He walked after her. I heard her yelp and then start laughing, Matteo came out a second later carrying Mrs.Aurora "Baba, please tell Asia to make herself useful and bring my wife some food"

"You got it" He chuckled

"Bye Ezio" Aurora waved while Matteo carried her up the stairs.

"Bye Mrs.Aurora," I said lowly and surely knew she didn't hear me since she was already being whisked away by her husband.

"Enya's room is that way, please knock. I was joking about you not." He started walking into the kitchen but stopped in the doorway "You'll get used to Matteo and Aurora's antics, if you ever spend the night don't stay upstairs." I widened my eyes looking at him and he laughed "Welcome to the family" He waved and then walked into the kitchen. "Oh! Matteo cooked" He said to himself.

Not His Enya (Geniuses and Genetics Book 2) (BWAM)Where stories live. Discover now