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One week later

My phone started ringing and Eziō grabbed it before I could "I told you my uncle could handle it"

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My phone started ringing and Eziō grabbed it before I could "I told you my uncle could handle it"

"I know" I sighed

"What's the problem then?"

"I'm just struggling to relax that's all"

"Why? What's wrong?" He said coming over and kneeling in front of me. He rubbed and then kissed my stomach making me smile.

"It was hard. Not having you there, really hard. Even though I had a lot of help it was hard. Takeo was fussy all the time if we weren't with you, I couldn't just hold him all the time because I had to work. The flying back and forth" I sighed rubbing my eyes "I wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you when you woke up but then I realized when I was working. I didn't have to think about everything that was going on. I could control everything that I couldn't."

"Did you like being in control like that? Enya if you want to work-"

I shook my head furiously "It was so loud without you. I just-I just want you to take care of me like you used to. I'm just having a hard time adjusting if that makes sense"

He slowly nodded his head "It takes a while to get out of habit. Especially habits you formed to protect yourself" He said grabbing my hands "Are you still scared?" He asked and I nodded my head "The worst parts over Enya. No more death okay?"

"Okay," I said nodding my head

"Good" he kissed me and I took a deep breath. "Let's go. We don't want to be late" he said holding out his hands and helping me stand up.

"You're going to have to fight my dad for Takeo back"

"I'm not fighting Matteo, have you ever seen that man in action? It's terrifying." he shook his head. I started laughing and he looked down at me and smiled "I missed that"

I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him softly "I'm so happy you're here"

I was honestly surprised my mom and auntie had pulled together a gender reveal so quickly. Eziō had just gotten out of the hospital two days ago after he told Grandpa Marco he wanted to be released knowing he would do anything for him. Especially now he was awake.

My grandpa Marco was so relieved when he found out Eziō was awake. He definitely needed the good news after Auntie Tina died. He was so depressed after her death we were worried he couldn't get out of it. It got better when Brandi had Angelo, he was happy. Really happy, but then he said that he wished Auntie was here to see him and it kind of sent him back.

He just needed something positive to happen not related to Auntie Tina to pull him a little more out of that depression.

My uncle Lail had followed me around as much as he could when Eziō was in a coma. Whenever I wanted to be in Egypt he would come with me. Feed me, get me whatever I wanted, I didn't have to lift a finger unless I wanted to. My family helped so much that I didn't physically feel alone and I was happy, but I wanted Eziō with me and my uncle understood that. He gave me space without me feeling alone and was there for me without smothering me.

Not His Enya (Geniuses and Genetics Book 2) (BWAM)Where stories live. Discover now