Author's Note

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MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD for Hogwarts Legacy.

You have been warned!

Thank you for taking the time to open this story! Your support means so much!

I wanted to share some background on the MC for anyone who wishes to use mine, BUT I also want to empower you to exchange names, etc, with your own character where appropriate. I wrote it from first person so you won't see the MC's name used often, which will hopefully let you immerse yourself into the story a bit better.

Her name is Eleanor Jerome, and she's an orphan/foundling, meaning she doesn't know who her parents are. This will never show up in the story itself, but she was found by a woman named Eleanor and her last name was inspired by the patron saint of orphans, St. Jerome. She's in Gryffindor and chose to keep the Ancient Magic secret...for now. Additionally, she was wooed by Sebastian's foray into the Dark Arts, eventually learning all three Unforgivable Curses and then choosing not to turn him in. The story will pick up the night before they are all due to leave the school for the summer.

The Prologue is from Sebastian's POV, in third person. Starting with Chapter 1, we will move forward with MC's POV in first person. Also bear in mind that this story takes place starting in 1891, so you will see mannerisms and references common to that era for realism. :-)

This is my first fanfic a very long time, and my first for a video game. I truly hope you like it! I have worked hard to maintain continuity and correct grammar so you can enjoy the story to its fullest, so I hope that there are no glaring mistakes. I hope you enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: the world, story, and the characters from the game and the game itself all belong to WB. This work is merely based on it with a few of my own additions and some character development of my own. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED on my personal work.

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